] beauty and the beast [

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Summary: Fairy Tale AU. Reader is the child of Steven Rogers, the King of a poor land about to be attacked by a dragon. They call upon the Trickster, Loki, for protection. But is the price of his help too high for him to pay?

Pairing: Loki x reader

Warnings: None really, might be light swears, I don't remember.

A/N: Uh... so this might be a series if people like it... In the title Beasts is correct, it's plural for a reason, but it's not revealed in this chapter. So yeah... Oh and it is kinda supposed to be a Once Upon a Time ish story.


It was a sound like thunder from the north. The outskirts of the kingdom were ablaze and the king had called council with his best knights and advisors. His daughter sat quietly on a throne next to her mother. The young girl glanced around at the knights.

There was the Sir Thor, known as the Knight of the Storm. He came from somewhere unknown. There was Lady Romanoff, she was strong and had a quick wit. She may have even been the very best of the guard. Romanoff was often seen with the archer, Clint Barton. He never missed a shot and had the sharpest eye of all the knights. Lastly there was Y/n's betrothed, Anthony Stark.

Stark was cocky, but smart. He was was inventive and could work his way out of any problem. Of course he was handsome, but Y/n did not love him. Unfortunately Sir Stark seemed to fancy the idea of trying to win her affections with flirting and daring acts of foolish bravery. Neither of them had a say on the matter of marriage, King Steven had planned their betrothal the day his daughter was born.

"Your Highness, why do you not send forth your knights?" Anthony Stark asked irritably from his seat.

"You may be a great swordsman, Stark, but none of you are a match for the dragon." The king replied.

"What will you have us do?" Asked Lady Romanoff. "Sit and watch as the innocent die?" The King sighed and one of the advisors cleared his throat.

"May I make a suggestion your Highness?" Bruce Banner was the foremost royal advisor, as well as the royal family's doctor. The king nodded for Bruce to continue. "Sir Thor... Your adopted brother is a sorcerer, is he not?"

The council was in immediate uproar once the question left Banner's lips. Thor did indeed have an adopted brother, but he was full of black magic and evil illusions.

"How dare you even think to ask The Dark One for assistance." Said Sir Barton. "You know magic always comes with a price."

"The Trickster cannot be trusted. He would take what he wanted and leave us to die." Said Stark. While the Knights argued with Bruce, the King said nothing. Sir Thor took notice.

"Your Majesty, your mind seems to be elsewhere." He said. Steve looked around the table of knights and advisors.

"I agree with Banner." He said. They began to protest, but he silenced them. "He is the best option we have if we want to save our people."

"Right you are King Rogers." Declared a new voice. He stood in the doorway, Loki, The Dark One. The Beast, the Trickster. Tony rose to his feet and drew his sword, thrusting the tip toward Loki's chest.

Before the blade could even reach him, Stark was surrounded in what appeared to be a blue cloud that froze him in place. With a roll of his icy eyes he stepped out from in front of Stark's frozen form and snapped his fingers. Tony was set back into motion and the follow through of his sword only struck the air where Loki had once stood. Confused, he looked around only to find Loki's smirking figure completely unscathed. There was a brief moment where he thought about striking again, but he lowered his blade instead, keeping a watchful eye on the sorcerer. Seeing that Tony had - mostly - given up, Loki turned toward the King.

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