] love club [

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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warning: Cursing, Violence
Summary: Peter has been trying to take down a gang of robbers for the past few weeks, but never gets close to catching them because his rival, another hero by the name of Vagabond (the reader), is always one step ahead of him.
Author: Dizzy
A/N: Anonymous requested number 2: "Listen here, asshole, if you think telling me what I'm doing is wrong, think again cause I can do a hell of a lot worse than slitting a throat."

Peter stood, clad in his Spider-man suit, on the edge of the building, watching as a gang of men rushed into a closed jewelry store. He had recognized the group by their outfits, suits of black with a single red heart on their sleeves.

The newspapers called them The Love Club while Peter called them just plain criminals.

It was then that he spotted his rival, Vagabond, a young woman in a skin tight black suit fit with gadgets and fire red dyed hair. She, she was always chasing after The Love Club, always tripping them up, but never succeeding in capturing them while Peter couldn't even get close to catching them.

With the flick of a wrist, Peter shot a web before him, swinging down just as Vagabond slipped into the jewelry store behind the gang.

But, he was not as swift as his rival and ended up crashing through the glass window of the store.

"Well that's one hell of a way to make an entrance." Peter chuckled, shooting a web at one of the man. "Looks like you're in a sticky situation."

He then heard a small groan as he saw red flash past out of the corner of his eye.

Another man took a shot at Peter, missing his head by a few inches and ending up tangled in another one of Peter's webs.

That was when a man screamed, causing Peter to turn his attention to Vagabond, who had her arms around a man's head as she slit his throat, blood splattering onto her and the area around her.

"Shut up, goddammit! Wanna wake the whole neighborhood?!" She hissed as she dropped the man's body, turning to the man that started to charge at her, causing her to throw a knife, hitting his jugular perfectly.

"What the hell are you doing?" Peter cried. "You're not supposed to kill them!"

"Oh shit, it's Spiderboy, here to save the city from crime and the forces of evil." Vagabond mocked, retrieving her knife from the neck of the dead man.

Peter winced at the gory sight and the young woman's lack of emotion towards what she was doing.

"You're supposed to fight crime, not kill it."

"Who said that? The Hero's Handbook?"

"N-no. It's just common knowledge of crime fighting."

"Listen here, asshole, if you think telling me what I'm doing is wrong, think again cause I can do a hell of a lot worse than slitting a throat." Vagabond snapped, pointing her bloody knife at the other hero.

"Well, sorry if I want to do the job right."

"Doing the job right? There's no right way to do this job, now come on, Spidey, we better get the fuck on outta here if we don't wanna be here when the cops gotta clean up our mess."

"Correction; your mess." Peter replied in a snarky tone, the other hero pissing him off.

Vagabond rolled her eyes. "Whatever. You coming or not?"

Peter groaned. "I'm coming."

He followed the woman out of the building and into the alleyway as she removed her red wig. He thought that was just her hair color, but he was wrong and her h/l h/c hair fell free as she continued to remove her mask, walking far ahead of Peter.

"What's your name?" She asked, not looking back at him.


"Not your superhero name, dumbass, I meant your real one."

"It's, uh, Peter."

"Damn, I knew it."

"Knew what?"

Vagabond turned around with a smile, revealing her face to Peter who felt a gasp rise in the back of his throat.

"What's up, Parker?"

"Y/N?! You're Vagabond?!" Peter asked, astounded by the fact that his best friend was his rival.

"In the flesh. Now, tell me, Peter, why didn't you tell me you were the spider?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were the misfit of a hero?"

"You never asked." Y/n smirked. "Well, now that we know our alter egos, do you wanna go get shawarma? There's a really good place down the street."

"How can you eat after all that blood?" Peter questioned, a chill going down his spine.

"You can never underestimate the appetite of a young hero."

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