] true rage [

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"Loki!" Y/N hollered as she landed on her own two feet.

Her eyes were blazing as a yellow flame danced around both of her hands. Despite the massive amount of rage and grief built up, a part of her still didn't want to harm him. She believed there was still something there; something that could bring him from this darkness. However, Coulson had become a dear friend, and Loki would have to face those consequences.

Rapidly, her rage bloomed from within her. It nearly exploded through her fire when she spotted Loki. He was flying by with little emotion on his face. Without a second thought, Y/N jumped and tackled Loki back to the ground. She landed, again, on her feet while he had ended up on his back.

"Good to see you too, Y/N," he commented dryly.

With a fearless rage, she slammed her fiery fist into the concrete, missing Loki by mere inches. Still, his expression remained neutral. Unsurprisingly, this enraged her further. But, she waited...she waited for him to stand and face her. He obliged.

"Why?" she asked simply, "He was innocent."
"...He was in the way," he paused, seeing her grit her teeth, "And pitiful."

The next thing he knew, his iced arm was holding onto her flaming fist. His entire right side revealed his Frost Giant nature. To his surprise, she didn't react to that fact. Instead, she pulled back her fist and lit up her forearms and hands. With a massive groan, similar to the one she had used back in Jotunheim, she swung both arms at the trickster.

The sheer force of the fire pushed him back a good twenty yards. His back rammed into a building. He blinked and glanced up; Y/N was charging him again, flameless. That definitely caused his heart to skip. He ducked.

He allowed her to chase him through the city, the Chitauri invasion continuing above. She chased him through the air, through the buildings, and even through a few tunnels. They flew past parks and face off on highways. All the while, Loki remained emotionless while Y/N was filled with pure rage.

They reached another standoff on a recently abandoned highway near Stark Tower. Loki's hands were completely iced while Y/N's were a cherry flame, flickerings of orange mixed in. Loki, of course, noticed.

"What? Afraid your flames will hurt me?" he egged on, "I didn't realize you're just as pitiful as that Midguardian, pulling your punches at they say."
"His name was Phil!" she screamed in both agony and rage.

Y/N's entire body engulfed itself in flames. Her body was a clear orange with long strips of whitish flames. The massive heat covered the width of the highway, melting a few abandoned cars and scorching the concrete below her feet. Realizing her strength, she killed her flame immediately.

When the flames died, a smirking iced Loki stood opposite of her.

"So much potential," he commented with a cheshire grin.

She attempted to strike again, but Loki paused her with his magic. His skin slowly morphed from blue to pale. The second his skin returned to its usual paleness, his scepter was on her chest. Y/N lurched forward as she felt the stone trying to take over her.

"No," she grunted, closing her eyes.
"You will submit to me," he whispered coolly, "And you will belong to me."
A tear slipped from her eye. "Not like this."

Loki frowned in both hurt and confusion. Even after all of this, did she care for him? He knew his feelings for hadn't waned. Without removing his scepter, Loki placed his hand on her forehead. Focusing, he caused her to sleep. Y/N began to fall, but Loki caught her, his scepter no longer touching her.

Gently, he held her face in his hands. The least he could do at this point was keep her out of harms way. He glanced up to see Stark Tower. He knew there'd be transportation of some kind. He could get Selvig to take her somewhere safe. After all, he still had that human under control.

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