] he dosen't love you [

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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader

Featuring: Wanda Maximoff and Clint Barton

Words: 1506

Warnings: alcohol and angst.

Notes: hope you like it! xx

"You have to tell him", Wanda told you for the first time. "It's obviously he likes you too!"

You didn't know how many times you already had that conversation. Damn the moment you decided to tell her about your crush on the Captain. Ever since, she was always watching your every move and also his, looking for any signs of his feelings towards you. At the beginning you thought it was funny and even entertaining, but not anymore. You just wanted her to drop the topic and stop telling you to tell him how you feel.

You weren't going to do such thing. He was just nice to you, as a friend. Sometimes he would hug you or even kiss your head but he would behave the same way towards Natasha and even Wanda. It didn't mean he had feelings for any of you, it just meant that he cared about you in a friendly way. It was obvious.

"I'm not saying anything, Wanda", you sighed.

"But why not?" She whined.

"Because there is many possibilities that he doesn't feel anything for me, except friendship", you said.

The two of you were in your room. You were braiding her hair for the party Tony was throwing that night while the whole room was a mess. You still didn't know what to wear. Your intention was to impress Steve but you didn't want it to be too obvious.

"But there are still possibilities of him liking you", she shrugged.

"Can you please stay still?" You groaned. This was being much harder than what it should be and everything because she just couldn't stop moving around. "Look, Wanda, in case you didn't notice, Steve behaves the same way towards me, towards you and towards Nat. There's only friendship there, don't you see?"

"You're just being negative. I still think there something", she repeated.

This time you just rolled your eyes. She wasn't going to drop it so you just decided to stay quiet. It would be much easier letting her dream about you and Steve. Being honest, you wish you were as positive as she was. But you had always been so unlucky with boys that you just couldn't even think about the possibility of someone as amazing as Steve liking you.

When you finished braiding her hair she helped you choosing an outfit. Finally, you ended up wearing some high waist shorts, a top and some heels. The good thing about the party being held at the Stark Tower was the fact that you just had to come to your room in case your feet started to hurt.

"Wow, you two are breath taking", Clint said when Wanda and you made your entrance in the living room.

"Thank you, Robin Hood", you winked at him. As he laughed you looked around trying to see him among the people.

"He's still not here", Clint told you as he gave you a glass containing a blue liquid.

"Who?" You quickly asked innocently. He smirked before laughing and walking away. Ok, maybe your feelings were a bit obvious.

It was weird that you didn't see Steve during the first hour of the party. Tony told you he was there somewhere but you just couldn't catch a glimpse of him. Eventually you just focused on your drink and stopped looking for him.

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