] cheaters never prosper [

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Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader, Father!Tony Stark x Reader, Peter Parker x Tony Stark

Warning: Cursing

Summary: Y/N finds out Peter is cheating on her with one of their friends and tells her father, Tony about it. Tony, like every father, gets pissed and confronts Peter.

Author: Dizzy

A/N: This was requested by an anon who said, "Can you do one where the reader finds peter cheating on her and she goes crying to her father Tony Stark and tells him everything, and Tony confronts Peter the day after. If you can , make it a happy ending!! 😁" I tried to make it a happy ending, but it was a bit hard.

"I don't like that look." Your father, Tony stated as he walked up to you. "You're planning something."

"What's the best way to give revenge?"

"Cold." Tony stated. "Why do you ask?"

You looked up from your project and at your father. "Peter cheated on me with Liz."

"He did what now?"

"He cheated on me. With Liz! One of my closest friends for fuck's sake!" You cried out, your voice cracking though no tears fell. "I've been faking that I'm fine. I'm faking it til I believe it because I still love him, Dad."

"I'm gonna kill him." Tony stated, anger burning in his eyes. "F.R.I.D.A.Y!"

"Yes, sir." The A.I. chirped.

"Call all of the team except for Underoos." Tony ordered. "We need to have a little chat."

"No! Dad! I can handle this on my own." You panicked. "There's no need to call the SWAT team if there's a fire, so you don't have to call the Avengers if there's a scuffle."

"Fine, but I'm still going to have a chat with him, okay?"

"Fine, but I'm still going to get revenge."

Tony smiled and pulled you into a hug. "Okay, but don't do anything I wouldn't do."

You chuckled as your tears finally fell. "Or anything you would do."


"Peter," Tony started as he walked towards the boy who was punching a bag. "Let's have a chat."

Peter stopped what he was doing, breathing heavily as he turned and looked at Tony. He picked up his rag and wiped his face.

"Can I ask what about, Mr. Stark?"

"It's about Y/n."

"What about Y/n? Is something wrong?"

"Yes, something is very terribly wrong with her." Tony said as he took a seat on the bench in the gym. "You cheated on her and now my poor little girl is heartbroken."

"Look, sir, it was a mistake! It only happened the one time and I was drunk-"

"Drunk actions are sober thoughts." Tony stated. "I would know, I am the adult here."

"Mr. Stark, sir, I am really sorry about what happened, but I already told Y/n-"

"I know what you told her and that's not really good enough for me. Now, I'd sick the team on you for hurting my little girl, but for some reason she still loves you, so I'll tell you this, you and her go into the boxing ring," Tony turned and pointed to the ring in the middle of the gym. "and whomever wins gets to decide the fate of your relationship."

"I don't know, Mr. Stark. I'd never want to hurt Y/n physically."

"But, you can hurt her emotionally? Are you listening to yourself, Peter?"

"No! That's not what I meant."

"It's fine, Peter, I'm just messing with you." Tony chuckled. "But, I'm serious. Either you fight her or she ends up with someone else."

"I'll fight."

Peter was definitely not going to fight you, there was just no way, not after the conversation he had that got him to this point. He couldn't figure out if it was sexist to hit her or not hit her because the line was too fine to even be a line.

And that's why he stood in the middle of the boxing ring, clutching his nose as his girlfriend mercilessly tore the poor boy apart physically and emotionally. He should have seen this coming. He should have looked into his past mistakes and learned that when you mess with a girl's heart, her father would find a way to harm you.

"Oh, come on, it's not a big deal." You said while your eyes rolled. "Walk it off and hit me."

"You broke my nose!" He cried, blood coming down from his nose. Again, there was no way he was going to fight his girlfriend.

She put her fists down as a smile appeared on her painted lips. Satisfied with his response, she couldn't help but chuckle at the boy's pained expression.

"And you slept with my friend, so I say we're even." She replied. "Say 'uncle' and maybe we can be together again."

"Uncle!" Peter cried, slapping his free hand against the ground. "Goddammit, uncle!"

Y/n smiled and bent down, pressing a quick kiss to Peter's forehead. "Now, let's go get you patched up. I didn't know you were a shitty fighter."

"I just didn't want to fight you." Peter stated. "I love you, okay? And I'm sorry."

"I love you, too, you big fucking idiot."

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