] Home Sick 5 [

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Prompt: The reader has amnesia and meets a nice man in the park...but can't shake the feeling like she's missing something from her past.

Warnings: language, amnesia, nightmares (maybe), this is going to be fluff/angst the entire time


Another month flew by and your friendship with the Avengers as a whole grew even more. You went shopping with Wanda and Nat a few times, talked to Bruce about questions on science, went to Tony for help understanding technology, Vision for history and philosophy, Sam taught you about music and society, Clint taught you how to cook and shoot, and Pietro filled in all the other gaps. Each of them was helpful and accepted you as you were their own.

Of course, you and Bucky spent a lot of time texting and hanging out when Steve wasn't available and he was your best friend, at least while Steve wasn't around. For some reason when you were in the room with Steve, Bucky would leave. You never knew why but to ask would raise a red flag that you didn't want raised.

Steve and you were even more perfect...but that damned hollow, homesick feeling crept up much more often than you wished. Going on almost six months of dating, you felt right being with him, you knew you were in love with him, so you ignored the feeling for both of your's sakes.

One night while sleeping in Steve's room, another damnable nightmare woke you. Instead of disturbing Steve with it, you decided to get up and find Bucky. You'd been to his bedroom a couple of times while at the Tower when he would show you new things. Mustering up hope, you tried to find his bedroom in the dark corridor. Knocking on the last door on the left, you whispered, "Buck, is that you?"

A moment later, the bolt unlatched on his door as he opened it to you, a surprised smile on his face.

"Hey, Y/N...Are you okay? Where's Steve?" he questioned, peering above your head.

"He's asleep, can I come in? I had a nightmare."

"Yeah, sure thing." He moved aside to let you in then closed the door.

You told him all about this nightmare as you both sat cross legged on his bed. You said this one was different and mixed of happy memories as well as the bad. Confiding, he told you about one he had that was similar. Eventually, you had forgotten about the nightmare, as you always did, and began talking about other things.

After a couple hours of talking, it was 6 AM, so you decided to go get coffee for everyone since you were wide awake now.

Half an hour later, Steve was at Bucky's door. "Hey, have you seen Y/N?" Steve asked as Buck stood in his bedroom doorway.

"Why would I have seen Y/N?" Bucky questioned.

Steve shrugged in his blue shirt. "I don't know. She's not in bed so I just figured maybe she came to see you. I'll give her a call." Steve pulled out his phone and dialed your number as Bucky stood there being bored. Your ringtone began playing muffled under a pillow. Steve's eyes narrowed on Bucky as he pushed roughly past him and yanked the phone out from under a pillow.

"You son of a bitch," he growled as he held the phone. "How could you?!"

Bucky backed up, his arms out defensively. "Steve, I can explain."

"Explain that you stabbed me in the back?!" he roared.

Steve lunged at Bucky. Steve's fist collided with Bucky's face. Bucky didn't fight back at first but he knew if he didn't Steve would think it was strange. They continued to brawl, their fists hitting flesh, blood coming from blows only they could induce.

"Steve, stop!" Buck asked at one point but Steve couldn't help himself. The idea of losing you to him was killing him and he had asked Buck to stop, so his anger was getting the better of him. His best friend and his girlfriend - how could they?

You walked in, coffee in hand, seeing them fighting as you screamed at them to stop.

"Hey! STOP!" you shrieked as your voice filled your ears, almost hurting them as you dropped the coffee, ready to try to pry them apart if necessary. Steve had Buck by the collar about to swing when they stopped to turn at you. "What are you doing?" you demanded, the sight of them fighting ripping you apart inside.

"I...I can't do this anymore," you said softly. "You two are great friends and the last thing I want to do is to come between you....I can't do this to you two." You started to cry as you said, "I...I'm going to leave. I can't do this." Your voice broke and you turned around and ran out of the Tower.

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