] dad material [

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You had been pregnant for seven months now and your belly was getting really big, much bigger than what you or Tony expected it to be. He had been such a great partner, taking you to every doctor appointment or weekends away just to relax, he had always made sure that you would have all you needed or wanted. It was much more than what you had ever expected him to be.

But you also knew that he was getting anxious as you were getting bigger. You woke up many nights to go to the bathroom to find the other side of the bed empty and it wasn't until next morning that you would find out that Tony had spent the night in the lab or in the baby's room fixing or building stuff for your daughter. You tried to talk to him about this but he just said he was ok and kissed you long enough to make you forget all your worries about him.

The day you found him completely asleep on the floor of the baby's room you knew you two had to have a proper conversation about what was going on with him. So carefully you sat down on the floor, next to him and shook his shoulder softly. Luckily, waking him up was an easy task and soon he opened his eyes enough to look at you.

"Oh shit..." he mumbled looking around, "I was just...resting", he said rubbing his face.

"Tony, when was the last time you had a proper sleep?" You asked taking his hand in yours.

"Eh...yesterday, why?" He smiled. But you knew him better than that and you also knew all of his smiles. That one wasn't real at all.

"Ok, why do you lie to me? Last night I woke up to go to the bathroom and you were working here. At 4 a.m." You said. He opened his mouth but you covered it, "don't talk if you're not going to be honest, please"

He looked at you seriously and then sighed placing a hand on your big belly, rubbing it slowly like he did so many times through the day. You stroked his hair slowly and then rubbed his face carefully. He looked exhausted.

"How am I supposed to be a dad to anyone when I can't even know if I will come back home alive from a mission?" He whispered.

He wasn't the only one who had ever think about that. But somehow you knew he was Tony Stark, he was Iron Man, and he would always find his way back to you. You had ended up focusing on that, knowing the amazing father he would be to your daughter.

"You will be the best father she can hope for, honey..." you said making him look at you.

"How do you know that?" He said frowning and looked away. "The only example I ever had was my father and-" You stopped him before he could finish that sentence.

"You are nothing like your father. She will love you, you will love her, protect her, and even spoil her." You said smiling at him.

"Why aren't you scared?" He asked making you laugh.

"Scared? Babe, I am terrified. I don't know what to do with a new life in my hands, I don't even know how to change nappies or how to calm someone down", you said smiling. "But I also know this baby is the best thing that ever happened to us and that we will figure out."

"What if...?" You kissed him to shut him up.

"Stop it, Stark. You will always come back and I know the team will be there for you, to help you come back to me, to us... I know it. Steve, Nat, Bruce...they all agreed. They are not letting you die, ok?" You said looking him into his eyes. "And you will be the best father any child can wish for", you added smiling at him.

You saw in his eyes how somehow he calmed down after what you said. You knew he was still scared and worried, but you were too. This was a whole new journey to something completely unknown but at least you would make it together. He sighed and took your face in his hands to kiss you slowly.

"But I'm not changing nappies", he mumbled against your mouth. You laughed and pulled away slightly.

"Yes, you are"

Before he could protest you crashed your lips against his again, hugging him as tight as the belly allowed you.

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