] mother Figure [

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Summary: Peter and (Y/N) have been in a serious relationship for quite some time. However, being a part of the Guardians of the Galaxy can e straining on both of them, pushing aside any future plans they had together. But when Peter sees how (Y/N) takes care of Baby Groot, he realised how much he loves her.

Characters: Peter Quil x Reader

Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name

Warnings: Just fluff


As I cleaned the ship, I could hear Gamora trying not to yell at Groot. In a recent escape, he hadn't fastened his seatbelt, causing more problems than needed. Luckily, I had caught him before he could get hurt, but that in turn made me injure myself.

"Groot, you have to wear it." Gamora said through gritted teeth.

"I am Groot?" he asked.

"Because it's for your safety!"

I cleared my throat."Want me to give the life lesson?"

She stood up from kneeling."Please."

I waited for her to walk away, sitting cross legged on the floor in front of the tiny creature. Eyeing him, I could see that he was starting to realise he was in the wrong as soon as he saw my bruises.

"How many times do we ask you to put your seatbelt on?" I asked him.

He sighed."I am Groot."

"We wouldn't ask you so much if it didn't do anything. We wouldn't be wearing them ourselves if they were useless."

He hugged my knee, resting his head on top."I am Groot."

I smiled at him, picking him up properly as he hugged my shoulder instead."That's ok." my hand wrapped around him, it was the closest thing to hugging him now.

Groot stayed like that, so I decided to walk around with him. Heading to the cockpit, I saw Peter sat in the Captain's seat, looking out of the window. Kissing his cheek, I seemed to break him out of thought. Sitting next to him, I felt Groot stir, placing him gently on the floor before watching him run off.

"I think he loves you more than I do." Peter joked.

I laughed."I think I'm starting to feel the same."

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Be so motherly? Like, it just comes naturally to you."

I shrugged."You just answered your own question."

We were just looking at each other for a moment, lovingly smiling; the peace was disturbed as the ship was jolted, something being fired at it.

"What the hell was that?!" Rocket exclaimed, ushering for me to get out of the co-pilot seat.

"Something's attacking us, everyone get in a seat!" Peter ordered.

Drax and Gamora were straight into their seats. I was about to when I realised Groot wasn't here. Looking around, I realised that he wasn't going to make it.

"Where's Groot?" I asked, starting to panic.

"He was in his room." Drax said.

Without hesitation, I sprinted towards his room, stunning about as the ship swerved from side to side, avoiding whatever was attacking us. I knew Peter was trying to keep it stable for me, but it would get worse soon enough.

"Groot!" I yelled out.

He ran out towards me, jumping into my arms. Running back to the seats, I tried hard not to fall over, especially with the baby in my arms. Finally reaching his seat, I put him down, then realising that Drax wasn't there.

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