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T'Challa Udaku.

Requested Imagine: Tchalla x reader, reader has been having nightmares about the things she has seen. Tchalla has to wake her up and care for her after. - Hope you like it, Anon.

Note: I'll continue writing the rest of the imagines in my inbox. And I just want to thank all of you lovely readers for the love and the lovely compliments - I'm sorry I can't respond directly as this is my second blog. I think if I responded from that account it would scare you guys. Enjoy x

Love, Wakanda Forever x

T'Challa feels her thrashing body and her tiny whimpers. It's undeniable what's happening and for the first time in a while he doesn't know what to do.

The usurpation of the throne from him by his cousin left a lot of scars in Wakanda, on both the people and the country. The financial costs were merely nothing to the king and the reconstruction of Wakanda after the battles meant it became stronger. But emotionally it took its toll. Lives of loved ones were taken and friendships and relationships were broken. Prisoners were taken and some escaped.

And his wife, she's bearing the brunt of watching him die, of reviving him and assisting him in combat. She carried the brunt of saving their country also - but unlike him she wasn't trained to do so. She was a woman accustomed to a different life.

He places his hand softly on her head, stroking the silk wrap on her hair, he moves his fingers down the tresses of her braids and lowers his face down to hers.

"My love," he says lowly. His fingers dance on the small of her back.

She whines softly and continues thrashing around the bed. T'Challa watches her rub her head on her pillow until her head wrap fall off, he picks it up and cradles her face with his free hand. "My love, wake up." He speaks softly and taps her cheek. "Come on," he beckons in her ear and kisses her forehead. "It's just a dream."

"T'Challa," She yelps and strikes up into a sitting position, her forehead hitting his as strikes up. "Ow!" She scowls.

He grunts in slight pain but quickly refocuses on her. "Are you alright, my dear?" He strokes her forearm, his eyes scanning her sweat clad skin.

She nods, but he registers the unsure look in her eyes.

"Are you sure?" He peers at her as she surveys the room with a panicked expression. "Because from what I saw when you were sleeping you were having a nightmare." He recounts slowly, trying to ease the goosebumps on her skin with the warm touch of his hand.

She shakes her head, her eyes looking out at the balcony with a view to the palace gardens. "No I'm alright." She sighs shakily, covering her eyes and adjusting the covers on her legs.

T'Challa bites his lip and grabs her head wrap and turns to her. "This fell when you were sleeping - peacefully." He remarks pointedly as he untied the wrap.

"Oh," she gasps and tries to takes the silk fabric from his hands but he moves away, "it's okay, I can do it." She smiles sleepily.

He shakes his head and places it on her head. "No, you think I can't do it properly?" He chuckles and begins tying the fabric on her braids.

She looks at him properly finally, her sleepy eyes analysing the scar on his pectoral, she strokes it softly as he watches her whilst tying her wrap.

He panics as a tear slips from her eye as her fingers waltz slowly over the scar.

He finishes wrapping it and wipes her tear away and kisses her cheek. "What is bothering you my love?" He whispers onto her lips, keeping his eyes on her unfocused ones.

She sighs and lets herself fall against his shoulder. "As queen - I made an oath to care for my people and my king." She begins slowly, every syllable leaving her tongue measured and calculated - but still shaken. "How can I do that as queen, if beforehand I couldn't protect my king nor my people from the destruction one man could bring, hm?" She sniffles, she rubs her eyes on the tender skin of his shoulder.

He strokes the back of her neck, taking his time to brush the loose tendrils of kinky hair that didn't make into the braids, "Nonsense." He whispers into her ear, and he kisses her earlobe. "That's absolute nonsense. I won't allow you to think like that again."

"How can I not?" She raises her head, but still averts her eyes away from his observant ones. "The things I have seen the past week T'Challa; the things you went through!" She breathes in deeply and more tears drip silently from her tired eyes. "I have no chance against things like that. I couldn't fight a man like N'Jadaka, nor will I be able to fight against the things the rest of the Avengers have fought against."

He massages her shoulder, fighting softly to ease the tense muscles of his stressed lover. "You can, my love." He says softly and it makes her roll her eyes. "You have put up with so much beforehand. You have one of the most demanding jobs in this world and you still put up with me and my demands of you - with the most wonderful smile on your face." He stretches the corner of her supple lips with his thumb.

She finally smiles but it's a weak one and T'Challa panics slightly - unable to think of something to cheer up his wife.

"What if we go and see the stars?" He pipes suddenly, she looks up at him with teary eyes and nods.

"Yeah, sure." She purses her lips.

He stand and helps her up, she slips beside him and they walk to the doors of their balcony.

The noise of the wildlife combined with the vivid noises of the Golden city fill T'Challa with pride and contentment. If only his wife could feel the same at this moment.

He sits near the railing of the balcony and beckons her to sit next to him. She moves languidly to him, her silk nightgown blowing in the soft whispers of the wind. He lays her across his lap gently, and kisses her nose as she closes her eyes.

He watches her lovingly, capturing every minute detail of her face with his eyes. He watches as her eyes move restlessly behind her eyelids.

"I'll always be here for you and with you." He speaks so softly it's almost inaudible.

Y/N opens her eyes and looks at him with as much love a woman could muster.

The sky reflects in her eyes and he falls even deeper in love with the woman who's head is laid back on his legs. "You'll never be alone. As long as Bast is our protector, I shall be your protector as you shall be mine." He strokes the side of her face withe the most tender motions he could ever perform.

The corners of her lips turn upwards into her first real smile of the night. "Thank you." She mumbles tenderly. "I'm sorry for not being responsive before." She hugs him, and buried her face into his bare stomach.

He shakes his head and caresses her back, "You are not required to thank me, my queen."

She kisses her teeth and chuckles, "Stop that."

"What?" He chuckles, looking into her eyes when she pulls her face away from his stomach.

She shakes her head this time, "Don't call me your queen when we're in private - it makes me feel weird because I know you're being serious." Her shrug tickles him a bit and he chuckles, holding her still.

"But you are my queen. Both in a public and official manner also in private and the bedroom." He growls lowly and bites her ear quickly.

She yelps and giggles. "Stop," she buries her head into his stomach.

He goes back to stroking her back lovingly until he hears her light snores. He smiles as he waits a few moments to see if her nightmares return. Seeing no hostile movements - he lifts her up slowly and carries her back into the bedroom. He lays her down gently on their bed and lies beside her.

He faces her and counts how many eyelashes line her lidded eyes and counts how many breaths she takes in one minute until he himself, is lulled into a sleep of ice cold temperatures and exploding planes.

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