] I'll show y o u [

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request: can you please do Plus size!reader x Bucky imagine where she feels insecure and Bucky tries to prove that she is beautiful.

pairing: bucky barnes x plus sized!reader

word count: 2192

warnings: smut, swearing

"You're beautiful," the words fell from his lips with ease but they left a sour taste in your mouth. You craned your neck looking at Bucky who was standing behind you eyes black with lust, his eyes never once left your body as you stared at yourself in your bedroom mirror.

Tony was throwing another extravagant party, he reminded you of Jay Gatsby - a man who just as infamous as his raging parties that brought all of New York City together. Initially, you were excited to go, you had seen a beautiful long black dress in a shop days ago; in your head looked perfect but as you stared at yourself in the mirror it didn't feel or look perfect despite how much Bucky whispered in your ear. "You look like a fucking goddess, doll," his warm lips were against your ear as his fingers danced lightly along your shoulders toying with the straps of your dress.

You let out a long sigh, "then why don't I feel like one?" You asked meeting his eyes in the mirror watching as his face dropped before he maintained his composure. You didn't know but it hurt Bucky physically when you don't see yourself in the same light he sees you in: you're an angel, perfect in every single way.

"Doll, to me you are the epitome of perfection, there is no way you aren't what you are," Bucky said before pressing light as feather kisses to your shoulder making your face break out into a small smile. It wasn't much but it was enough to give Bucky hope that you were starting to crack and open up to the idea that you were beautiful.

"What am I?" You asked as Bucky rested his flesh hand on your shoulder, you brought your hand up to his squeezing it tightly as you close your eyes waiting for Bucky's reply. You felt his metal arm slither down your body till it found your waist pulling you closer to him.

You felt the warmth of Bucky's soft lips against the shell of your ear and shivers ran down your spine. "Beautiful," Bucky rasped before planting a kiss on your neck, his lips gracing the spot that made your head fall back onto his shoulder and a moan as soft as silk fall from your lips. "And mine, all mine," Bucky whispered against your neck before you felt him leave his mark on you, for everybody to see.

"Let me show you," he said and you turned around in his arms staring at the man you love.

You laughed smiling slightly, "show me what, baby?" you asked as you ran your fingers through his hair making him sigh in content.

"Just how beautiful you are," was Bucky's reply as his metal hand moved to your stomach you thought was too big but Bucky didn't care. He loved it.

You smiled sadly letting out another sigh. "What about the party?" you asked but Bucky just laughed.

You tensed as his metal thumb rubbed over your stomach and Bucky pressed another kiss to your neck. "Why would I want to go when I could stay here and make love to you?" Bucky said and his words made you smile and relax under his touch.

You felt his fingers hook under your chin forcing you to look up at him, "doll you are truly beautiful, just let me show you." Bucky said and you nodded despite how scared you were, your insecurities were raging but one look into Bucky's deep ocean blue eyes calmed the storm inside of you.

"How?" You asked as Bucky's metal hand slid up to your breasts, the thumb playing with your nipples and making you arch your back in pleasure. His lips were on your neck again, kisses placed all over as his flesh hand joined his metal one. You felt them pinch your nipples and you couldn't help the moan that left your lips at the pleasure coursing through your veins. "Like this," he replied before capturing your lips in a kiss, it was like he was kissing you for the first time - love and passion pouring into your mouth each time his lips danced and mingled with your own. You held onto him tight as he poured all of his love into one single kiss that left you breathless

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