] Home Sick 2 [

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Prompt: The reader has amnesia and meets a nice man in the park...but can't shake the feeling like she's missing something from her past.

Warnings: language, amnesia, nightmares (maybe), this is going to be fluff/angst the entire time


Three months had gone by since you officially met Steve. You were dating the entire time and it was wonderful. It was the one thing you looked forward to since waking up dazed and confused.

Three months had gone by since you officially met Steve. You were dating the entire time and it was wonderful. It was the one thing you looked forward to since waking up dazed and confused.

Steve may have been a super hero to all of the nation, but to you, he was just an amazing boyfriend. Picnics in the park weekly, trips to the library to catch up on whatever reading both of you missed, flowers for every date, laid back dates a few times a week, a couple of trips to the carnival and he was more than perfect.

Your relationship was somewhat private as he didn't want to introduce you to the Avengers just yet as a group of super humans could be a little intimidating and you were already dealing with so much.

Memories were no stronger than they had been, but more came to you. More broken, fuzzy, dreamlike memories invaded your mind as time went on. This is what fed your homesick feeling. No matter how great it was in Steve Rogers arms at night, or holding his hand on the boardwalk, or dancing to old music, or cheering together at baseball games...it didn't make the strange, longing, homesick feeling in your chest go away. You assumed it was just from not knowing your past - who wouldn't feel like they were out of their element with no past? But something gnawing deep within you knew something was off.

A week after your three month anniversary, he decided to introduce you to his friends at Stark Tower.

"You're Steve's new squeeze, huh?" Mr. Stark asked as he shook your hand. "Typical, he likes the pretty and smart kind."

"Alright, enough flirting with her..." Steve chided lightly as he steered you from the wealthy man.

"Nice to meet you!" you called as Tony walked away with a smirk.

"Likewise!" he called over his shoulder and threw up his hand in a wave.

Then, the two girls bounced in.
"Hi, I'm Natasha, or Nat," a girl with red hair greeted as she came up and shook your hand.

"Hi," you quietly said. "I'm Y/N."

"We've heard about you," she said sweetly. "This is Wanda and her brother is--"
"Right here!" a man said who suddenly appeared next to the beautiful brunette girl. It made you back up a step, unfamiliar with what his power was.

"Pietro," Nat finished the statement. "Don't mind him."

"Seriously, don't," the brunette enforced. "I'm Wanda."

"So nice to meet all of you."

"Oh, this isn't all of us," Nat explained. "We've got Bruce who should be around here. He's the other scientist of the group. Vision who...I think is out doing something. Thor who's back home in Asgard...Clint who is with his wife and kids. Then there is Bucky and Sam, but they're on a mission. They'll return soon. You'll eventually meet all of us!" Nat laughed and you laughed with her but something she said made your stomach turn uneasily. You weren't sure what it was, but....the feeling was inescapable.

"We'll leave you two to it," Wanda said as she pushed Pietro and gestured for Nat to follow.

"They seem wonderful," you said quietly as they left the giant, open room that connected a dining area, a kitchen, and a living room.

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