] Explanation [

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Summary: Charles Xavier gets a vision/dream of a girl suffering cfrom migraines and from afar he studies her to help her.
Characters: Charles Xavier, Hank McCoy, and original character (self)
Warnings: Migraines, crying, some swearing.
Notes: Please don't think I was trying to build the character of myself as someone who's perfect. I'm not. I asked my family to describe me and went from there. I just want this to be a story for people who suffer with something to feel like someone is out there that loves them, flaws and all, but only sees the good.


She had come to him in sort of a...dream one night. Or...vision? He wasn't sure. He was connected to every bloody mind on the planet. But she wasn't a dream or a figment of his imagination. She was a mutant. A very powerful telepath much like himself and he felt that because she was powerful like he, that's how she reached out to him, unwittingly.
One night a stabbing pain came into his mind, he sat straight up in his bed, his hands gripping his skull as if it would explode and implode simultaneously. Tears streamed down his face and it was all he could do to not call for Hank's help. But what could Hank do? After thirty minutes of tormenting pain, he realized what had just happened, it was a migraine. Not like his, where he heard voices, just normal pain. If one could call what he experienced normal. Soon, his mind was linked with hers. He dashed out of bed and ran to Cerebro. He put on the helmet and thought of her.

It was easy, she had neon hair and she was crouched over in pain and oh how he wept for her. This pain, these migraines were so intense, in the moment she wanted to end her life. He didn't know how to reach out to her at first without scaring her. So he was forced to sit and watch her double over, digging her fingernails into her own cranium, begging her family to make it stop, until the pain meds would kick in.

Another month went by and another attack happened, Charles felt it while he was awake and teaching. He didn't double over, rather he just sensed it. This time it wasn't like it was his own migraine, he could just feel her presence and torment. He dismissed class early and went down to Cerebro to watch her again. This time she was in class, trying to focus. He could see how bright she was, but the damned pain kept gnawing at her like a jackhammer. He didn't mean to invade her mind, but he felt he had to to learn how to help her.
Her mind was a cornucopia of wonder. He couldn't help but sit in awe of her thoughts. She saw things no one else noticed. She was quiet but not weak. She was pensive and observant. She was vigilant and witty. This was all from just seeing her for forty five minutes in class. She was a senior at a high school in the Southern United States.

He knew spying on her like this was wrong, but he couldn't help himself. He saw a lot of himself in her. She honestly wanted to learn and when people disrupted that it frustrated her, but she would try to sympathize. When she saw a confrontation she tried to settle it. She had compassion for so many people. She never thought higher of herself than others. In fact, she was confident when she walked, but inside, she was ridden with anxiety and fear of rejection from her peers.

For a moment he wondered if she knew she was different, but nothing seemed to trigger that she knew. Charles left the machine, feeling guilty that he invaded her privacy, but glad that he got to see a glimpse of her life.

Just two weeks later, the other attack happened, this time it was later at night and when he entered her mind, his heart shattered. She was crawling on the floor, crying, her family begging her to go to the hospital for her pain, but her pride made her not want to say yes. She feared if she said yes, she would be weak in their eyes. She also knew the fluorescents would kill her eyes and make the crippling migraine ten times worse. She mumbled out an apology and said, "No, please, I'll be fine once I get to a bed." Her family called her a cute pet name that she recognized instantly as "Mick". Sorting through memories, Charles found that when she was younger she was called "Mickey Mouse" then "Mickey" and as she matured further into adulthood, they rounded it off at "Mick". Charles mouth turned up at one side, the nickname adorable to him.

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