] "you have to choose" [

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Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader x Clint Barton

Featuring: Steve Rogers

Words: 1627

Warning: none


Request: Requested by :

"If you can, I'd like one of clint again. Where tony and clint like the reader both and things get complicated since they get jealous of one another for the reader but in the end the reader decides clint"

Notes: so this is going to have 3 parts. This one, the second where the dates will take place, and the third one when reader will make her decision. Hope you like it! ;)


How did you even get into the mess? And most important...why? Your life was so easy before you met this group of people. Yeah, you cared for all of them but still, some days you wondered why you got out of the bed that morning, why you went to get coffee to that new place instead of going to your usual coffee house.

If you had followed your habitual routine, you wouldn't have run into that blond guy with a cheeky smile, Clint Barton. You would have never ended up on a date with him, you would have never be friends with him and he would have never fall for you, or you for him. He would have never introduced you to his friends and you would never met Tony Stark who wouldn't have fallen for you as well, and of course you were so stupid that you would end up developing a crush on the man. Everything would have been easy. Probably that was what many people liked to call fate or destiny.

You didn't really believe in those things but this time you didn't have much option. Everything was meant to happen or it seemed like that. Now you found yourself between Clint, your best friend, the one who made you believe you could reach the stars, the one who made you feel so special and loved, the one who turned your world upside down; and Tony Stark, the flirty one, the womanizer, the genius who could actually make you reach the stars. And you had no idea how to handle the situation.

"This is going to end bad", Steve told you.

He had been your rock for the past few weeks. He knew everything that was going on in your love triangle and tried to help you as much as he could. He was so helpful, he was the one who stopped you from freaking out when Clint and Tony started to fight for you.

"Don't you think I know that already?" You sighed rubbing your forehead. "I don't know what to do"

"Well...you better figure it out soon, (Y/N), or this will affect the team which...would be bad", he said.

You sighed and nodded. He was right. You just couldn't let it happen. So you left his room and went downstairs to look for those two men that were driving you crazy. Luckily, you found them in the kitchen in an awkward silent. Clint was eating a sandwich while Tony was making himself some coffee.

"Good. You're here" you said walking in the room.

They both looked at you and it physically hurt you seeing his faces lighting up. Don't take it wrong...you wanted them to be happy but it would be so much easier if only one of them felt that way. And of course, it would also be so much easier if you only had feelings for one of them.

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