] It's a race [

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(avengers x reader)Warnings: mild swearing

Characters: Reader, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Scott Lang, OC steve x reader daughter (Manda), OC steve x reader son (Ty) & OC wanda x vision son

Pairings: Steve x reader & wanda x vision

Summary: Tony thinks it's a great idea to have a race against the avengers with no advantages.

"So when are you gonna pick up the kids?" I look at Tony, lifting my brow in suspicion.

"Why? Tony, do you have something planned?" He gives me a smirk.

"Maybe." I sigh. It was a bad sign whenever Tony has a plan, especially when he tries to be secretive. Keyword: tries.

"Oh god." I mumble.

"C'mon Y/N. It'll be fun, trust me."

"I better not regret it."


"So what are doing again?" Bucky asks.

"Geeze Buck, you need to pay attention." Steve says.

"Yeah Bucky, pay attention." I add. Bucky rolls his eyes.

"Okay, I'm going to explain this one more time. These cuffs," Tony says motioning at the metal bracelets. "disable your powers to a minimum. So, Y/N and I have the bright idea to have a race to the school, conveniently picking up the kids. Got it?"

"Yup. This'll be fun. Can't wait to see the super soldiers run." Sam says with a smirk.

"Am I going to regret this?" Steve asks.

"Maybe. Probably." Bucky grumbles. I smirk at the two soldiers, wondering how they'll be like without the serum to help them.

"Okay everyone, grab a pair of cuffs-" Tony says.

"They look like bracelets. Like some titanium bracelets." Scott interjects.

"They are not bracelets. They are cuffs. Now, as I was saying, take a pair-"

"Yeah, yeah Tony, I'm pretty sure they get it. You explained this to us for the past fifteen minutes." I interject.

"Fine, fine. I'll meet you guys at the schoolyard. Don't be late. By the way Cap, the cuffs-"

"Bracelets!" Scott and I say. He gives us a glare.

"-do not activate automatically. It takes a few seconds."

"Well, I'll need those few seconds."

"Yeah Stevie, you'll need it. Sam's a comin' for you." I say. Steve rolls his eyes and Bucky snickers. Tony laughs while flying out into the sky towards the school, the suit making his laugh sound metallic. If that's even possible.

"Well, let's equip ourselves." Steve says. We all nod, and reach over to the table with the bracelets arranged to our specific wrists.

"It's interesting how we automatically trust Stark, given his history in his inventions." Pietro says, the sokovian accent slipping through. Snickers come out as we snap on the "cuffs." I smirk at Pietro.

Steve says, "Well, we need to forgive him at some point." Snickers go around again. Once we settled with the the metal cuffs on our wrists, we started preparing to race.

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