] you abandoned me. 3 [

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Summary: After Steve's sudden letter, (Y/N) is certain that he won't come back to her. She is still living at the Avengers Tower with Tony who is starting to worry for his friend. (Y/N) isn't sure what her next step in life should be.

Characters: Steve Rogers x Reader, Tony Stark x Reader (platonic)

Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name
(Y/L/N)= Your last name

Warnings: Sad, angst


Time went agonizingly slow after I received the letter from Steve. I read it almost everyday knowing that all that was in front of me were lies. A month had passed and I had visited the flat once. I realised that I wouldn't be going back there anytime soon but I needed more of my things. It was awful to just look at the building itself let alone going to my flat. I had quickly stuffed clothes, more toiletries and things with sentimental value into my bag, before turning all the electrics and heating off; I still needed to pay the bills. It felt like I was suffocating in there, I tried to be as fast as possible.

However, as I was hanging up my clothes back at the tower, I came across an item which was accidentally packed. One of Steve's jumpers captured my attention. I must have worn it and forgot to put it back in his drawers. Holding it up to my face, I recognised the smell of him. It was suddenly slipping onto my body and I couldn't stop it. Of course it was way too big for me, I remembered when Steve would catch me wearing his clothes and laugh when he saw how small they made me look.

No, no more crying.

I couldn't bare to take it off, it was like I was removing him from my life again. Wrapping my arms around myself, I embraced the jumper a bit longer until FRIDAY's voice startled me.

"Miss (Y/L/N), I'm sorry to disturb you but Mr Stark is requesting your presence in the common room, you have guests." she announced.

"Oh, thank you FRIDAY."

Guests? Who would be here right now? I prayed that Tony hadn't called my friends to try to cheer me up. I saw them a week ago and just wanted to be alone. Sighing, I reluctantly took off the jumper, knowing that it would look a bit strange to these 'guests' if I showed up looking like a small child wearing their parent's clothes. Checking my reflection quickly, I tried to make myself look as human as possible.

Stepping into the lift, the AI immediately sent me down to the living space and I could feel the nerves setting in. I hadn't been socializing too much, I just couldn't make myself happy when I was out with friends; I didn't count going to work as socializing either because I had to speak to my colleagues. The doors opened for me, revealing the long hallway. As I turned left into the living room I tried to put a smile on my face, not wanting to scare the people who were visiting. However, as I walked into the room the smile immediately fell.

Although the group of people standing in the middle of the room had their backs to me, I instantly recognized them all. Their bodies turned to face me, some offering warm smiles whilst others couldn't hide their joy.

"(Y/N)!" Wanda exclaimed as she sprinted towards me with open arms.

She engulfed me in her arms, gripping tightly onto me. Wanda and I were close. Ever since she joined the Avengers I saw her as a sister. She was so young and had already faced too many tragedies in her life already. Whereas Steve was training her to control her powers, I tried to become a friend, someone she could talk to.

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