] archaic gadgetry [

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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader

Warning: Cursing

Rating: PG i guess

Summary: The reader and their coworkers are wondering why he does that since they also sell DVDs. There is a betting pool open on what kind of weirdo Peter is. The reader finally approaches him and asks him why he does that.

Author: Dizzy

A/N: This is from my list of If you want, you can let me know which one I should do next or request anything you'd like. This was requested by an anon. It's in the readers point of view.

"He's back again." My coworker, Tasha said from beside me as we both watched our regular, Peter, beeline to the video section of the store.

I crossed my arms as I watched him run his fingers against the spine of ever video tape we had available. "He didn't even notice the 'recently received' section I created just for him."

"Are you sure he's a normal guy? You're the only one with a bet on that." Tasha said with her head cocked to the side as she observed Peter with an odd expression on her face.

Peter stood on one of the stools, running a hand through his hair while he read the back of a copy of Empire Strikes Back. He had already bought a copy not long before.

"I'm kinda rethinking that." I said with a laugh while I folded up clothes that were returned. "Hey, Petey!"

The boy's head shot up at the sound of his name. "It's Peter, Y/n. Peter is my name."

"I know." I grinned and put my hands on my hips. "You do realize we have DVDs, right?"

He nodded as he put the video back and stepped down from the stool. "Hey, do you guys have any new VHS tapes?"

I pointed to the small rack I set up earlier that morning, allowing him to follow where my gaze and blush.

"Oh. Thank you." He stammered, ducked his head shyly and walked over to the rack.

"That boy has got to be the weirdest of them all. My guess is he's a druggie." My coworker, Tony said from beside me as he approached me and Tasha with a box of clothes.

"Nah, he's gotta be some sort crazy memorabilia geek." Tasha countered.

"My guess is that he's just a hipster. I mean, he has bought a tape everyday, a record player and records a few weeks ago, that junk of a computer, and have you seen what he wears everyday? He's gotta be a hipster." I added.

"You're only saying that cause you think he's cute." Tony teased.

"I do not!"

"Says the girl who knows everything he's ever bought!" Tasha exclaimed, laughing.

I could feel my face get hot as the pair were laughing hysterically. "You guys suck..."

"I dare you to talk to him." Tony smiled deviously.

"I second that."

"No! Guys, don't make me!"

"You have to. It's a dare." Tony argued.

I rolled my eyes and huffed, my arms crossed. "Fine. But if something happens, tell my mom that you two are to blame."

I took in a deep breath as the two giggled and whispered among themselves as I walked around the counter. I walked slowly towards Peter, who held three VHS tapes in his hand while he sifted through the other tapes with his other hand.

"Hey, Peter?" I asked, causing the boy to look up at me. "Why do you buy tapes when we sell DVDs?"

"Well, they cost more than the DVDs and the charity you guys help needs money and I'm a bit of a gadget freak. Especially older stuff. I have a tape player at home that I fixed up and I like using it." He explained "Does that answer your question?"

I looked back at my friends, who had obviously listened to the conversation the whole time since they both were pulling out their wallets to give me the money I won. I turned and gazed back at Peter with a smile.

"Yeah, it does. I just have one more question. Why do you come in everyday? You could easily come every other day or just the weekends."

Peter rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled awkwardly. "I don't think you want me to answer that."

"Oh, but we do!" Tony replied from behind the counter.

"Tony!" I sighed, turning to look at him with a pained expression.

"What? I wanna know! Go on, kid, tell us."

Peter sighed. "I kinda really like you cause I see you all the time and you're really nice to me and saying it out loud makes me sound so pathetic." He said quickly, too quick for me to comprehend it.

Tony and Tasha started to laugh loudly as I felt their eyes on me.

"He likes you, girl!" Tasha exclaimed. "No wonder he only knows your name!"

"I-I don't know what to say." I said with a shocked expression on my face as I could feel my heart pound and my cheeks heat up.

"You don't have to day anything." Peter smiled sadly before walking past me, putting his tapes back.

I quickly turned on my heel to see him starting to head to the door. "Peter, wait." I said.

He stopped in his tracks and looked back at me. "What?"

"Look, I kinda like you too. I mean, I made that little rack of new tapes for you and I know what you've bought from us these past few months that you've been coming. Forget that last part, that sounds creepy." I rambled as I walked towards him. "What I'm trying to say is that I've liked you for a while and I don't really know you. I mean, we've always had nice talks about movies and stuff. So, maybe we could watch those movies you were gonna buy together? Become friends?"

Peter's frown slowly turned into a smile with every word I said until he had a full on grin spread across his face. "Sure, I'd like that."

"You go, Glenn Coco!" Tony cheered as Tasha and him began to clap.

"Shut the hell up, Tony! Jesus Christ!" I laughed as I lead Peter back to the video section of the store, glad he wasn't the weirdo everyone thought he was.

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