] accidental 'i love you' [

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You and Steve were like brothers. You actually spent most of the time at the Avengers Tower, at least when they were not on a mission. People kept teasing you two about it but you knew there was nothing else. Steve was like 90 years old, he would never develop feelings for such a young woman. But you had made your peace with it and it was almost ok.

One of those many movie nights at the Tower you were all at the common room, except for Thor who was in Asgard. You had just finished watching a Superman movie and they were all talking about it.

"C'mon! It is impossible that people doesn't find out who he is!" You said laughing, leaned against Steve. "He only uses some stupid glasses! He doesn't even change his hairstyle or something", you shook your head.

"You would never imagine someone who looks like Clark is actually a superhero. He's a nerd", Clint said rolling his eyes.

"And so is Steve and everyone knows he's the Cap", you said making all of them laugh.

"Excuse me?" You looked up innocently to find Steve narrowing his eyes at you. "What did you just say?"

"You were a bit of a nerd back in your day, you said it yourself a million times!" You defended yourself.

"So you want to sleep down at the lab today?" He said raising an eyebrow.

You opened your eyes widely and moved quickly so you were hugging him.

"No, no, no! Stevie I take it back! You're not a nerd! Don't make me sleep down there, please!" You said. The only moment you didn't like the lab was at night because it was all too dark. It was a bit scary for you.

He laughed hugging you back with a sigh and kissed your cheek softly before looking at you.

"You're lucky I love you", he said kind of lost in his thoughts.

Everyone went silent in the room, Steve and you staring at each other not believing what he had just said. You were so confused. Maybe he meant as friends but you had been friends for years now and he never said those words. Actually, he told you once those were important words for him and would only tell them when he was actually in love.

"What?" You whispered.

His eyes widened even more and looked around to find everyone smiling widely at his statement. He really had just said it. The secret he had been keeping from you for months was not out and he had no idea about what to say next.

"Finally..." You heard Bruce. You looked around again and then at Steve.

"C'mon, Cap, you can't take it back now. Make it worth it", Tony said.

You gulped and looked at his lips and then into his blue eyes. You always thought his eyes were beautiful but for some reason now they were even better. They were brighter and they literally could see into your soul. Someone had to do or say something and Steve looked too shock to take action so you took a deep breath and straddled him slowly. Biting your lips for a moment, you leaned in and kissed him slowly.

The second your lips touched he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him, deepening the kiss immediately.

"Ok, that's our cue to leave", you heard Natasha and could hear all of them leaving the room.

You didn't want to pull away. His lips were addicting and his kiss had literally take you somewhere else but he forced himself to pull away, looking at you. You took a deep breath and opened your eyes blushing as you found him smiling.

"So..." he whispered. You smiled stroking his hair for a moment.

"So... I love you too", you finally said.

He smiled even more and pulled you closer again to hug you tight against him.

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