] what you know [

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Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader feat. Deadpool/Wade Wilson
Warning: Cursing, drug use (don't do drugs kids)
Summary: The Reader is a rebel and gets in trouble at school, causing Tony to use an alternative form of punishment by forcing the reader to be friends to Peter Parker, a quiet good guy that has a crush on the reader though the reder refuses to be his friend even though they too, have a crush on Peter.
Author: Dizzy
A/N: Hey! Another Peter Parker fic for your enjoyment! It's inspired by the song "" by Two Door Cinema

"Do you not understand what consequences are?" Your father asked.

"I do; I just don't care." You replied with a smirk. "Besides, that teacher really deserved getting his furniture glued to the ceiling. It was the perfect prank."

"You tried to glue a man to the ceiling!" Your father sighed, exasperated. "You know what? This time there isn't going to be another grounding for you."

"Thank God." You scoffed, rolling your eyes.

"You're gonna get a punishment, you know, something taken away."

"What are you going take? My will to live?" You rolled your eyes. "You know, I took Psychology. They say punishments don't do anything for behavior."

You father ignored your last few statements as he continued on his rant.

"You're going to spend all day everyday for the next few weeks with Underoos."

"Parker? Peter Parker? You're going to make me spend all day with that twerp?!" You cried, about to start an argument. "That isn't fair! He sucks! He's all goody two shoes and faints at the sight of Liz! I could kick his ass and I have!"

"It doesn't matter. You need to learn a lesson and this is how it's going be. You made your bed, kid."

"I haven't made my bed a day in my life." You huffed, earning a chuckle from your father.

That was when there was a knock on your bedroom door, the loud staccato of knuckles rapping against wood made your eyes roll in a knowing way as it was opened to reveal Peter.

"Hey, kid. Nice to see you. I'm going to head to the lab and I'll leave you to it. I suggest getting Y/n to do their homework since they never do it."

"Like hell I'm doing it!" You argued, arms crossed over you chest.

"You made your bed, remember?"

And with that, your father left you alone with Peter, who stood in the middle of your room awkwardly.

"Here," You kicked the desk chair in front of you to him. "Have a seat. We're gonna be here a while."

"So..." Peter trailed off, taking a seat and spinning his chair back and forth.

"So you're my babysitter, huh?"

" I wouldn't say that. I-"

"How long has that 'kick me' sign been on your back?" You asked, your head cocked to the side as you caught a glimpse of the paper attached to Peter.

You watched as Peter twirled a bit and leaned forward. You ripped the paper off his back before you pulled away, tossing the paper in the trash.

"I-I don't know."

"Listen, Parker,"

"It's Peter."

"Fine. Listen, Peter, I don't want you here as much as you don't want to be here. My dad's just forcing you on me cause he thinks you're a good influence. No offense, you're kinda boring."

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