] He loves someone else [

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I don't think it's really good but I'm not really in the mood now, sorry. I just needed to write to relax and this is what came out. Enjoy!

PS: I'm taking requests :)


Back in 1945 you were all kids, or at least you felt like you were. Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes and you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), were always together, walking around Brooklyn, having drinks at the very same bar every Tuesday and Thursday and meeting at the very same cafeteria almost every day. It looked like you were inseparable. Bucky had always been the flirty one, also with you even when you never took him seriously. Steve was the sensible one, the polite one and the good one. And you were the sarcastic one, the girl, their little sister. Sadly, you were also that to Steve.

Bucky was aware of your feelings towards Rogers and he really tried to help, but Steve was such a fool with girls. "A girl could lift her skirt in front of him and he still wouldn't get it", Barnes used to say. And it was true. He was too focused on getting into the army to pay attention to anything else. You didn't want him to. Well, you didn't want any of them to go to war but it was impossible to stop them. Bucky would be such a good soldier and Steve too, he wasn't strong or even fast but he was stubborn as fuck.

"Bucks, you have to stop him from going!" You begged Bucky once again. Somehow, they both had got into the same division and they were about to go to the front.

"(Y/N) it's already done, we can't back down now. It would be illegal", he explained to you for the tenth time.

"I know but..." you sighed and looked at Steve who was walking out of his house with his case. "Take care of him, please..."

"I will, don't worry. He will be fine", Bucky said before kissing your forehead softly.

"Saying goodbye without me?" Steve said as soon as he was in front of you as well. "Hey, don't look at me like that. I will be fine, you'll see", he said putting the case on the ground to hug you. "It's my duty, you know that."

"Who named you Captain America, huh?" You said sarcastic hugging him back.

"He whish", Bucky laughed taking Steve's case to put it on the truck that would take them to the train station. "We have to go."

The three of you looked at each other before hugging once again. It was being so damn hard for you to hold the tears. Not knowing when you would be seeing them again, or if you would see them ever again, was killing you. But you had to be strong as well.

"We love you", Bucky said and pulled away.

You smiled a little and took a step back to let them get onto the truck. Taking a deep breath you waved goodbye as you saw the truck going away until it turned left and they were out of sight. Just then you let all your tears out. Bucky was like a big brother to you and Steve...he was special, so special to you. You couldn't lose any of them.


It had been months since Bucky and Steve left Brooklyn. Every week you got a letter from each one of them. At least at the beginning. It didn't pass much time until you only got news from Bucky. Luckily, he also talked about Steve so you could know at least that he was ok. And one day you saw it for yourself. Steve was on TV but he didn't look like Steve. He looked...bigger, taller, stronger...and he was the Captain America. What the fuck was this?

You understood nothing and so you told Bucky in one of your letters. A letter that never got an answer but one day there was a knock on the door.

"Sargent Barnes at your service, ma'am", you gasped as you saw Bucky standing there, with his cheeky smile, his uniform and his hat on his hand.

"Bucky!" You screamed hugging him. "What are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't be able to come!"

He laughed hugging you back as tight as he could before walking into your apartment and closing the door. Brooklyn streets were not safe anymore so it was better to be on the inside.

"Being Sargent has it perks and I missed you", Bucky smiled with a shrug. You smiled even more and hugged him once again before going to the kitchen to make some coffee for both of you.

"Where is Steve?" You asked from the kitchen.

"He is...busy...you know, Captain America and all that stuff..." he said when he walked into the kitchen as well. There was something about his tone that you didn't like.

"Is everything ok?" You asked handing him a cup of coffee.

"We haven't talked much lately, he is always doing those shows", he said looking down at the black liquid. "I don't even know how it happened, you know? All he told me was that it was a serum."

"Is he insane? A serum?" You asked frowning. He nodded and looked at you.

"Look, I'm not here just because I miss you, which I do, or to tell you I've been promoted to Sargent. I could have told you those on a letter." He said. You frowned, now a bit scared. "It's about Steve. The reason why he's not writing you anymore. I thought I would tell you on a letter but...here I am"

"James, you're scaring me", he smiled a little as you called him by his first name, being the only one who referred to him that way.

"He's not writing you or replying because...he loves someone else, (Y/N). He met her at training and well..." He bite her lip looking at you cautiously.

"Are they...together?" You asked in a whisper, feeling how your heart broke into pieces.

"No. You know how he is but..." he shrugged.

He loved someone else. A completely unknown girl. And he had completely forgot about you, about his best friend, his sister. Because of a new girl. You sat down on a chair taking a deep breath. You knew he didn't know you liked him but you never thought he would actually forget about you due to other girl.

"Hey..." Bucky said walking towards you. He put down the cup and bended down in front of you, so he could look up at you. "(Y/N) he is an idiot. He has always been an idiot, I've told you so a million times. You are amazing and he's an idiot for not seeing it." He said taking your hands.

"But...he loves someone else..." You mumbled. That was all that mattered at the moment.

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