] Cookies [

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Imagine Loki liking you and making no efforts to hide it.

"(Y/n) looks exceptionally beautiful today, don't they brother?" Loki said loudly as you entered the room with a tray of cookies.

You blushed and rolled your eyes. "I made some cookies, guys." You told everyone.

"I suppose they do, Loki." Thor replied, grinning. He moved towards you to get a cookie.

Everyone had flocked around you to get the cookies, except Loki, he was standing where he was, as though waiting for you to come to him. And come to him you did, but by then there was only a single cookie left.

"You don't want to eat my cookies?" You asked, looking up at him.

"Oh I'm sure they're delicious," he smirked, "but I saw that you didn't take one yourself. I'll eat later."

He picked up the cookie and put it between your teeth. You held it there, not sure how to eat it with both your hands busy holding up the tray. But thank God you didn't just eat the cookie right then, because then Thor said, "But brother, that was the last one!"

And as you stood there with the tray in your hands and the cookie half inside your mouth, Loki grinned, "Really?" He said, as if he didn't already know that. "Well then, we ought to share." And before you could know what he meant, or react or move at all, he leaned down and grabbed the other half of the cookie with his own mouth. Your eyes went round as his lips brushed yours and he took a bite of the cookie.

When he withdrew, he had a devilish grin on his face. He swallowed the cookie and licked his lips, "Delicious." He said, winking.

You swallowed your half, struggling to grasp what just happened and deciding that it was, in fact, the most delicious cookie you had ever eaten.

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