] lingerie preferences [

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He'd be so taken aback, but in the good way. He'd look you up and down, drinking you in. He'd bite his lip as he would make his way over to you, absolutely lost in the scraps of lace and bare skin, then he'd look into your eyes before mumbling that you're so beautiful, before kissing you so passionately with his fingers tangled in your hair. "You're gonna kill me, darlin'"

 "You're gonna kill me, darlin'"

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Steve would be so flustered, having never seen a woman in lingerie in the flesh. He would be rooted to to the spot once he walked into your shared bedroom. His facial expression would make you nervous, "Steve...Do- Do you like it?" "Oh G-God yes I do, doll, you look marvelous" It would be you that'd have to make the first move, you would take his large hands in yours and place them on your silk covered hips. He felt like a virgin again, but Jesus H. Christ, he was going to try and not ruin those skimpy piece of fabric the moment he got a hold on himself.

 Christ, he was going to try and not ruin those skimpy piece of fabric the moment he got a hold on himself

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You'd be looking in the vanity mirror in your bedroom, catching a glance of the handsome man at the door in the reflection before smirking at him. You'd bought the undergarments as his birthday present. You blushed as his slender fingers made their way along your shoulders to move your hair out of the way. He would press kisses to your neck and mumble "happy birthday to me" whilst smiling as his hands wandered...

 He would press kisses to your neck and mumble "happy birthday to me" whilst smiling as his hands wandered

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You'd walk into his lab wearing a black trench coat over the top, of course. His head didn't turn until he heard your voice say "FRIDAY, lock the doors please."He'd cock a brow up at your dolled up form, his eyes would travel down your legs and then his brows would raise when he saw them bare, his jaw would fall slack but would quickly pick back with a sly smirk. As you would unbutton the trench coat, letting it slide to the floor (whilst keeping eye contact and also biting your lip) you'd hear the words "Oh, my beautiful baby girl, come to daddy..."


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You had definitely remembered to pack your black corset number in your bag before Thor took you to Asgard for the first time. You wanted this trip to be memorable as possible. When he first sees you in it, you're both in his bedchamber, you're coming out of the en suite bathroom and his mighty facade drops completely and he chokes on his mead, he's completely awestruck, for he had never seen such undergarments, ever. He would gently pull you between his open legs, trailing his large hands across the rigid bones of the black corset, to the silk panties below, all the way down to the lace tops of your stockings. "Do you like it, my love?" "I love it, My Queen."

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