] I'll still love you no matter what [

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You held the doctor's envelope tightly in your hands. You ripped open the letter and pulled the papers out. You unraveled the folded the papers. You let out a sigh as you read the result over and over. Positive.

"Grant's going to kill me." You sighed and pulled open the drawer full of the many pregnancy tests you have taken in the past few weeks. You heard the door open and Grant's voice call out for you. You wiped away a few tears that you never realized that fell. "In here." You croaked out.

He opened the door, letting Jet and Nora inside your shared bedroom. Grant's cheery smile was wiped clean off after seeing your puffy red ones. You and Grant have been dating for about three years now, and you've known each other ever since high school.

"Hey, hey, hey." Grant cooed, sitting down in front of you and taking the paper away from your hands. He also didn't bother to take note on the drawer with pregnancy tests in it. All Grant's attention was on was you. "What's wrong, baby? What happened?" He rubbed your arms, attempting to calm you down.

The tears rolled down your cheeks uncontrollably. In between sobs you tried to tell him the very important news. "I'm... I'm... Grant I'm sorry." You cried out, falling apart in front of your boyfriend, something you haven't done in years.

"Calm down, babe. Shhh." Grant tried, panic in his eyes. You looked into his deep green orbs and tried to calm your breathing, attempting to match his slow intake of breath. In a few minutes, your sobbing had went down. "Okay, what's this?" He asked finally taking in his surroundings.

His eyes looked down into the drawer, them widening. Grant's jaw dropped as he realized what those little sticks were. He quickly scanned the paper. "(Y/N)," He began, his green eyes once filled with worry and panic, now filled with excitement. "Are you-" You nodded, carefully. "Why are you sorry? It's-is it... It's mine?"

"Yeah, babe, it is." You said. "Grant, I'm pregnant." Grant's smile was restored. "Why aren't you mad? How are we going to take care of it? Grant, we can't be parents."

Grant shook his head, his eyes still filled with excitement. "Baby, I don't care." He put his hands over your stomach, rubbing gently with his signature, award winning smile. "We're going to be parents to this, to this child growing inside of you. This is a milestone to our relationship. (Y/N), you're the love of my life and this baby just one of the products of that love. I'll Still Love You No Matter What."

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