] coffe cups and pickups [

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Pairing: Tom Holland!Peter Parker x Reader

Warning: None

Rating: PG

Summary: The reader works at a small coffee shop were Peter goes everyday. They are classmates but never developed a friendship, even though the reader tries to throw hints at Peter to talk to her.

Author: Dizzy

A/N: This was inspired by an AU I saw while searching through writing prompts. It's really fluffy and cute.

You had been working at the coffee shop for the past three months now, ever since school had started up again. You were, much to your surprise, very good at your job.

It didn't take you long to find a way to balance your school work and your job. It also took you no time at all to learn how to make the perfect cup of coffee or stack the books on the coffee shop's small library shelves in alphabetical order.

According to your boss, the cute coffee shop hadn't had such a great employee.

You couldn't take all the credit, though, since everyday you came into the coffee shop to work was a good day, because that meant you would see a certain boy you always loved to see.

You didn't know anything about this boy. All you knew was that his name was Peter, that he was in one of your classes and that everyday, he would sit in the same chair in the corner of the library area and read a sci-fi book.

You were wiping up the counter when the front door rang as it was opened. You looked up and smiled at the familiar face that you saw everyday.

"Hey, Peter." You smiled and stood up straight and set the rag that rested on the counter out of the way. "Do you want your usual?"

"Hey, Y/n. I just want a black coffee. I'm a bit tired of the same thing everyday."

"I understand. If you want, I can bring your cup to you if you want to take a seat."

"Thank you, I appreciate that." He replied with a smile and pulled at his backpack strap and went to take his usual seat.

You quickly made his coffee and wrote his name on the cup sleeve along with a cheesy pick-up line, just as you did everyday.

Are you a keyboard? Cause you're my type. You wrote with a light laugh before you walked around the corner with Peter's coffee in hand.

You smiled at the boy, watched him with his nose in his book before you interrupted him.

"I brought you your coffee." You said with a cheerful tone and handed it to him as he looked up at you.

He took it, his fingers grazed yours. He smiled as he took it into his hands. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Let me know if you need anything." You nodded before you headed back to the counter.

You cleaned up the equipment and tables while all the while, Peter was drinking his coffee and pretending to read as he watched you work.

Finally, after a half hour of cleaning, you were finished. You sighed as Peter approached the counter with a grin.

"You told me to let you know if I needed anything, and I need to ask you something."

You smiled politely and nodded. "Sure, go ahead."

"Are you a keyboard? Cause you're my type."

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