] "don't make promises that you can't keep " [

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You were so tired of this ups and downs. It was always the same. He came back, you spent a few weeks together, loving each other, happy, and out of nowhere he had to go back to Asgard and you would never know when he would come back. You just couldn't keep on going with this, it was getting too much for you but you loved him so much. And those moments with him were the best thing you had.

But this time was the worst. You didn't even know he was back until you watched in the news what happened in Sokovia and you saw him there, fighting next to the team. So he was back and he didn't even tell you.

A few days after you watched the news on TV, you decided to go to the Avengers headquarters to pay him a visit since it didn't look like he was going to go to you. Once you were there, you were greeted by FRIDAY when you were in the elevator.

"Is there anything I can do to help you, Miss (Y/L/N)?" The machine asked you politely.

"I just came to see Thor, is he here?" You asked. You had always felt so stupid when talking to FRIDAY but you had to admit it was useful.

"I will let him know you are here." FRIDAY said.

"No! Don't tell him. It's... A surprise..." you mumbled.

It wasn't exactly true, you just wanted to catch him off guard which didn't happen a lot. Maybe you would be lucky this time. The elevator doors opened at the common room of the Tower. He was easy to see since he was wearing that red cape he used to.

"(Y/N)!" He said as soon as he saw you when he turned around. You were aware of Clint and Tony there as well, but you just looked at him. "I am so glad you are here! I missed you so much!" He said hurrying to hug you but you stopped him.

"You came and you didn't even tell me." You didn't need to say anything else. He knew what you were talking about.

By the corner of your eye you saw Tony and Clint leaving the room to give you some privacy. Then you looked at the God you had in front of you who know looked worried and nervous.

"I... I wanted to look for you but..." He mumbled. You rolled your eyes and took a deep breath.

"But what? You were too busy? When did you even get here?" You asked with your hands on your hips.

"Two weeks ago..." he admitted.

That was even more painful. He had been in this planet for two weeks and you didn't even know and he didn't even bother on telling you. He just went to Sokovia, had a fight, saved the world and was probably ready to leave again.

"And when were you planning to tell me? Once you were back in your planet?" You said sarcastic. "'Oh hey babe! I'm back home, yes, yes, I have spent two weeks in New York but sorry, I just forgot to tell you'", you added deepening your voice. "Or you didn't even plan to tell me?"

"Of course I was going to tell you, babe! It had been a complicated situation, ok? We had to-" You cut him off.

"Yeah, you had to save the world. As always." You snapped and then sighed looking down. You were completely defeated.

"I will make it up for you, really. I have to go back to Asgard tomorrow but I will be back as soon as possible and I will be with you. Just you. I promise." He said making you look up.

"Don't make promises that you can't keep, Thor", you said shaking your head away from his touch. "I'm done. I just can't keep on doing this, doing us. I'm so tired of spending months and months not knowing when I will see you again or not knowing if you are even alive. I can't"

This was being so painful for you and also for him as you could see in his eyes, but you had made up your mind. It had been too much for you this last three years and you had enough. Seeing the pain in his eyes wasn't making this anymore easy but you knew it was the best. Maybe not for him, but you had spent too much time thinking about him first. You were done.

"(Y/N), no, please, I am so sorry, I really am, you know I love you. Please, don't..." He said trying to take your hand but you shook your head and walked back into the elevator.

"I'm sorry, Thor..." You said as the doors closed. The last thing you saw was his broken face that sent you over the edge and tears started streaming down your face.

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