] wardrobe malfunction 2 [

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Summary: (Y/N) persuades the super soldier to attend the charity ball but can still see that he was way out of his comfort zone. She knows that he desperately needs her to help him through the night, both of them discovering something special between them.

Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name


The classical music could be heard from far away along with the busy chatter of the guests and I could see Bucky was starting to regret his decision. His steps were much slower, as if he was trying to buy time. I stopped walking, turning to face him but keeping a hold of his hand. He needed calming down again before the crowds faced him.

"Bucky, you're going to be fine. All your friends are in there, you've got me to hold onto, we're all here if you need us. Forget what I said about staying for half an hour, if you want to leave after five minutes then you can."

He wouldn't look at me."No, I need to do it. I can't keep hiding."

"That's good but just calm down for a moment, you look like you're starting to get angry." I smiled, trying to relieve any tension.

Bucky took in a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second. I never let go of his hand, waiting patiently for him to prepare himself. Deep down my stress levels were rising, urging me to run into the event and make sure everything was running smoothly. Who knew what was going on down there. What if everything was trashed and the guests were starting to get offended? But that had to be pushed aside for now, Bucky needed my help. He finally opened his eyes, looking into mine for a moment; I could feel myself squirming under his gaze, wondering when he was going to break it.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Taking the lead, I pulled him into the room, taking everything in for a second. It all seemed to be going well, everyone was mingling, they all looked happy. Hopefully the whole evening would continue like this. Bucky seemed stunned, frozen in place. His eyes frantically scanned the room, overwhelmed by the mass crowds of strangers. I had an inclining as to how that felt; when I first started working for Tony, I had been thrown into the glamorous yet dangerous lifestyle, mixing with both philanthropists and top secret organisations filled with superheroes. It had been a lot at first, having to get used to the fact that nothing was ever going to be normal again. Look at me now, I'm holding hands with a man full of super serum and who has a metal arm, never thought I'd say that in my life.

Briefly letting go of Bucky's hand, I grabbed two glasses of champagne off a passing waiter's tray, handing one to Bucky. No, he couldn't get drunk but perhaps it would make him feel more involved. This time it was Bucky who grabbed my hand, I swear I saw him let out a breath of relief. Sending a smile his way, I guided us through the crowds, trying to spot any other Avengers. I need to see where they were and who they were with to put my mind at rest; however, I was unable to do that, being stopped by an overexcited couple.

"Excuse us, I hope we aren't disturbing your evening, but we had to come over and meet the infamous Winter Soldier!" the man exclaimed immediately, shocking us slightly.

"Yes, I can't believe you're here right now! It's amazing to see you up close." The woman added.

I was speechless. How dare they talk about him like that! The way they spoke sounded patronising, as if talking to a puppy he wasn't an exhibition to gawk at, Bucky was a person. The others were used to this and could brush it off easily, Bucky on the other hand looked like he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. I tried to not raise my voice or snap as I spoke, I was still a representation of Stark Industries as well as the Avengers, I couldn't let emotions get in the way.

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