] new life. [

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Request: Angry Smut with Loki after a massive fight (he thinks reader doesn't really care for him, maybe believes she is with him because she wants to make Thor jealous). After that she finds out that she is pregnant and doesn't know how to tell him, because he is not speaking with her. And when he finds out he is all happy, telling her how much it means to him that she is carrying his child, because it means she love him? And then maybe another smut? Yes? No? I love you

Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Summary: Loki and you fight after he doubt your feelings, and soon you face the consequences of angry sex.
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, angry sex, fighting,langage, pregnancy, pregnant!reader
Words: 2249

You stood together with Thor on the huge balcony of the palace, looking down on the beautiful Asgard.

Loki was unfortunately not home he had royal duties to fulfill and that's why Thor kept you company. Which happened really often. One of your hands rested on his biceps as you laughed at one of his innumerable stories. You loved to listen to Thor. He often told you stories from Loki's and his childhood, which often made you smile. Your husband, unfortunately, didn't liked to talk about his past, so it was always a pleasure to find out more about him, thanks to Thor.

You took a sip of your wine when you heard the door to your room shut loudly and your husband entered. "You seem to have plenty of fun when I'm not around!" Loki said, and you could clearly hear the anger in his voice."Brother, I've only talked with Lady Y/N" Loki sniffed contemptuously and you turned to the blonde."Thank you for your time, Thor, please leave us alone?" He nodded and left the room, as you heard the door closed again, you turned to your God!

"Loki ..." you started and were immediately interrupted "Oh please spare me with your excuses!" You looked at him."What does that mean?" Loki's eyes sparkled with anger."Romantic atmosphere on the balcony, wine and your hands are all over my brother" "This is not true!" You also felt anger rise inside of you. The dark-haired man took a few steps towards you and you walked back until you felt the cold wall in your back. He looked down at you, his jaw tense and his hands to the right and left of your head prevented an escape.

Loki and you argued often. Mostly about Thor, mainly triggered by Loki's uncertainties. He never believed that you loved him sincerely, and you had proved it to him more than just once. You always took his side, you were always there for him and yet he doubted you! You were his wife, more proof isn't possible!

"Why don't you tell me the truth?" He said threateningly calmly."Have you lost your mind? What truth?" "I know you want my brother, you're not better than everyone else, you use me to make my brother jealous, isn't that what you're doing? What are you doing with him when I'm not here?" His words were full of contempt, and for a second you wondered if you'd go far if you slapped him, but his accusations fueled your own anger and your hand hit his cheek.

The sound, of the slap echoed through the room and you pushed him away from you. Everyone else would have cost this action his life, and you were aware that you played with the fire!
Anger sparkled threateningly in your eyes. "I'm your god damn queen, don't you dare to talk to me like that again?" Blood pumped through your veins and your heart was racing with excitement.

Loki looked at you in surprise, before the expression in his eyes changed to...to lust? He pulled you by the wrist and pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was impetuous and free of tenderness. His fingers pushed into the fabric, of your silk dress, and in a few hand movements he tore it from your body. As soon as the fabric had fallen to the ground he tugged at his pants and they pooled around his ankles. His left hand cupped one of your boobs, kneading it as his right hand slipped between your legs, playing with your clit for a moment, to made sure you were wet enough for him. No matter how angry and tense Loki was, he would never hurt you intentionally.

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