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Prompt: The reader has amnesia and meets a nice man in the park...but can't shake the feeling like she's missing something from her past.

Warnings: language, amnesia, nightmares (maybe), this is going to be fluff/angst the entire time


Two more weeks went by with Steve and you were still blissfully happy, but something gnawed at you. Every time you had a nightmare (which was almost nightly) you called Bucky, he seemed to be up all the time. You'd spend hours on the phone until finally you had calmed down enough to sleep. You didn't want to bother Steve and wake him with it because he didn't help you the way Bucky did.

You kept the knowledge of Romanian to yourself except when you and Bucky would speak it sometimes to each other, either on your nightly calls or if you had a few moments together at Stark Tower while Steve finished up business. One day, Steve heard you talking to Bucky and came up.

"Is Bucky teaching you some Romanian?" he asked kindly, smiling at both of you at the breakfast table.

"Uh, no, apparently, I already knew it. How great is that?" you asked, excited to know some of your past self.

Steve's brows furrowed. "And...you didn't tell me?"

You frowned. "No...I didn't think it was important."

"So your past isn't important to me? Y/N, I want to know everything about you that I can."

"No, that's not what I meant, Steve," you tried, getting up to comfort him.

"So what do you mean? Is there anything else you're hiding from me?"

"No," you said flatly. "No, I'm not hiding anything and I just mean that....knowing I know Romanian doesn't mean much."

Steve pursed his lips but hugged you despite himself. He knew what it was like to be lost and not know what to do in the world around you. Bucky excused himself again, making Steve wonder why he could only be around you when you were alone or when Steve was alone but never together.

After your date with Steve, he dropped you off at your place and then went back to the Tower and found Bucky in the gym.

"Hey," Steve greeted as he walked up.

"Hey, man," Bucky said as he punched at the bags.

"Could we talk?"

"Sure thing," he obliged as he turned away from the punching bag. "What's on your mind, old timer?"

"It's about Y/N....Are you sweet on her?"

"Y/n? No, why?"

"Because every time she's around, Buck, you talk to her all the time, then I walk in the room. So either you two are doing something behind my back or you like her."

"Look, man, I'm just nice to her 'cause we're friends and when you come in the room I figure you want privacy."

Steve's eyebrow rose slightly. "That's it?" he questioned, wanting to believe his friend.

"Yeah, man I'd never do that to you..."

"And the flirting? I've noticed it too. When you speak Romanian, she giggles like you're flirting, what is that about?"

"I'm just being myself."

"Yeah, and you flirt with anything on two legs."

"That's true, so why do you feel like she's different?" Bucky questioned with a friendly smile.

"Because she's my girl, Buck, and if I can't trust you around her, I'll stop bringing her here."

Buck shook his head as he looked his best friend dead in the face. "Steve....I know she's your girl. I'm not trying to step on that. We're just friends. If you want me to back off...I will."

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