] feelin alive [

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Requested: heck no but there i go, writing black panther smut

A/N: i wanted to okay. don't blame me


She gasped, suddenly sitting up and catching her breath. Shuri looked up from her work station and saw Y/N up and awake.

"Y/N! You woke up!" Shuri ran up to the table where she just sat up from. "How are you feeling? My brother will be so glad you're up."

"Wait, Shuri. What.....what happened?" Y/N asked, trying to rack her brain figuring out how she got in Wakanda. She remembered the fight back in South Korea, where she was assigned with Ross to capture Klaue. There they ran into T'challa, Okoye and Nakia where the three Wakandans helped bring Klaue in to interrogate him. Last thing she recall was an explosion.

"They brought you in 5 days ago. You were almost dying. Agent Ross, too but he's healed now. You're injury was much worse. You almost never made it." Shuri explained, showing her the record of her injuries on one of the screens inside the lab.

Y/N furrowed her brows. 5 days ago. She was basically dead for 5 days. "Shuri. I don't know how to thank you enough." She said.

Shuri waved her off with a shy smile. "It's not like I had a choice. My brother threatened to marry me off to M'baku if I don't save you."

"He wouldn't dare." Y/N chuckled.

Shuri reached forward to give Y/N a hug. "Welcome back to Wakanda." She told her old friend. "I'll be back in a moment."

When Shuri left, Y/N stood up and walked towards a mirror. She was wearing a flowy dress with beautiful Wakandan designs. Unbuttoning the top, she saw scars across her chest and probably more down towards her torso. The explosion must have gotten in direct contact with her. Not even the most advanced technology can remove scars from a severe injury.


Someone spoke from behind her. She turned around and saw T'challa.

"You woke up." He whispered, relief evident in his face.

She nodded, smiling softly at him. "I'm alive."

He said nothing else but rushed towards her, his arms wrapping around her waist pulling her close to him as his lips met hers in a fervent need.

She gasped, feeling his mouth on her, her arms automatically snaking up his neck, pulling him down to deepen their contact. When they pulled away, she smiled up at him.

"My king." She whispered. T'challa grinned, his arms on her waist before pulling her towards the door, walking out of the lab and into the private study inside the building. T'challa locked the door when they both got inside, immediately going back to Y/N's side, placing even more passionate kisses on her lips down her neck. She felt him lift her up and set her down on the desk in the middle of the dim room as he continued his kisses. Y/N's hands moved up the nape of his neck, sending goosebumps down his skin, making him moan.

"I've missed you." He whispered, "Don't make me worry so much."

She chuckled, kissing him for a bit. "My king? Worried about me?"

"Everytime you're away from me, yes."

She smiled, her hands moving to undo the buttons on his coat, pulling him back in for more. T'challa moved his body closer to her, the growth in his pants pressing against her heat, making both of them even more hot. When his coat, along with his shirt, was thrown on the floor, T'challa gave her a smirk before his hands tear through her dress and discarding it as well, leaving her as exposed as he was. "Show off." Y/N whispered, moaning a bit as she felt his hands roaming through her body.

T'challa chuckled, pulling down his pants and instinctively thrusted his cock inside her, filling her up so deliciously. She gasped, her insides tightening around him, adjusting to his size, making the two of them groan in pleasure at that first contact.

"T'challa..." Y/N whimpered, her eyes looking up at him in a silent plea as he moved ever so slowly, savoring how good she felt.

They got into rhythm pretty quick and soon, the king's thrusts got faster and harder, the sound of their moans echoing across the room. Y/N's hand held onto the edges of the desk she sat on, pushing herself up to meet T'challa's lips as his hips kept on moving towards her. She smirked, stopping him for a moment, standing up and pushing him down towards the couch near the desk. He sat down as she straddled him, her legs on either side of his hips, her folds letting his cock slide in again. Looking down at him, she bit her lip as her hips started to move up and down his length, taking all of him each time their hips meet. She watched as his lips parted, his eyes gazing at her body with such lust that he moved forward, grabbing hold of her breasts, his tongue running over her nipple before putting the whole thing on his hot mouth, sucking as she bounced in front of him. Y/N let out another whimper, yelping when he bit her nipple gently as they fucked.

One of his hands moved back towards her ass, helping her move it up and down, deepening her thrusts.

She felt heat growing more and more, her hand on his shoulders and another one on the couch, fists clenched as her moans grew louder.

"That's right. Come for me, Y/N." She heard T'challa whisper roughly against her chest and neck, his voice obviously straining as he too were feeling his climax approaching.

"Fuck..." Y/N gasped, her core tightening as her legs shook under the king's touch. Her hips stopped moving but T'challa continued to thrust upwards, fucking her harder, enjoying how her loud and wild moans were almost pleading him.

With one last deep thrust, his hands held onto her tight as he came, the intensity of it making him growl, his voice deep and made even more sexy when he groaned in pleasure.

Y/N looked down at him and smiled, her lips parted as they both panted for air, their hearts beating rapidly and in rhythm. Once they calmed down, Y/N leaned down to give T'challa one last kiss before a knock on the door interrupted them.

"Uhmm...Are you two done?" Shuri's voice came from behind the door. Y/N swore she heard her chuckle, too. She looked back down at T'challa and saw him still watching her, smiling to himself. She can't help but smile back. Oh how grateful she was she didn't die.

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