] Pranks w/young loki [

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Y/N bounced down the corridor of the Asgardian palace. Her father had come to speak to the Allfather about some issues his people were dealing with. Having been familiar with the area already, her father allowed her to do as she pleased while visiting. Though she was young, she knew that really didn't mean everything. Just enough room to explore the castle.

She was humming to herself and counting her steps when she heard someone heading her way. Curious, she cocked her head to the side. She knit her brows when she saw one of the princes heading toward her. His young face seemed to light up when he saw her.

"Y/N," the young boy called, making his way closer.
"Hello Loki," she replied.
"Have you been here all this time?" he asked.
She nodded. "Father's come to speak to your father. I don't know why he brought me. I'm bored."
There was a twinkle in Loki's eye. "Good thing I had a surprise ready for you."
Her eyes lit up. "Really? Where?"

Loki held out his hand. She grabbed it, excitement brimming.

"Near the garden. Come on."

The young boy pulled the girl along with him as he ran. Y/N began to giggle as they grew closer to the garden that held a lake. The pair stopped just outside. Loki pointed across the lake.

"There," he stated.

Y/N followed his direction to see a mother goose and her goslings. Being the animal lover she was, she didn't hesitate to hurry closer. However, she slowed down as though not to scare the animals. She smiled at the birds who had yet to notice her.

But a moment later, the mother goose snapped its beak toward her. Instead of ignoring her, as most birds did, the animal became defensive. It started to flap its wings, startling Y/N slightly. The protective goose continued to advance on her. Frightened, Y/N got up and started running back toward from where she came. A loud laugh, belonging to Loki, reached her ears.

The momentary glance caused her to fall onto the ground. She covered her head, waiting for the goose to continue its rampage. What she didn't see was the bird disintegrate along with the goslings.

With small tears, Y/N glanced up. Loki was still laughing at her expense. Realizing that he had tricked her, more tears prickled at the edge of her eyes. With a quiet wailing, she stood and started running inside.

"I'm telling," she cried just as she passed Loki.

The young boy didn't respond. Y/N ran back through the palace until she found a quiet corner. She sat on the ground, tears coming at full speed. Not too long after, Frigga rounded the corner. Seeing the young girl crying, she crouched low.

"What's wrong child?" she cooed.
Y/N glanced up. "L-Loki tricked m-m-me."
"How's that darling?"
"H-H-He had a goose chase me," she cried, "He said it was a surprise. Wh-Why does he hate me?"

Frigga offered a gentle smile. She sat next to the young girl and wrapped an arm around her. She placed a gentle kiss on her head. What neither knew was that the young Loki was nearby.

"Oh, sweetheart," she cooed, "I think that's just his way of letting you know he likes you."
"My son hasn't always been the best at showing affection," she told her, "The Allfather knows he needs to work on that. I think he was trying to share what he thought was amusing with you."
"B-But it wasn't."
Frigga smirked. "I know. Just give him a chance, darling. He may just get better at showing you his feelings."
"Only if he never makes another goose again!"

The queen smiled before continuing to stroke the girl's hair. Loki lowered his eyes as he thought about what he had heard.

Years Later...

Y/N walked through the garden with a lake just as the moon was straight above her. She strolled the pathways until she reached the spot right under the tree. She smiled down at her reflection.

"Enjoying yourself?"

Y/N softly smiled as she turned. Her eyes gazed into teasing green ones. Loki had that all too familiar glint in his eyes.

"I hope you remember this is the garden of mischievous truce," she teased, "I better not see any geese around here."
Loki chuckled as he nodded. "I remember. There will be no bird of any kind to chase you."
She smiled. "Good."

The trickster gently pulled her into his arms. She swayed into them with ease. Their faces were only a breath apart.

"I'd rather not chase away something so wonderful," he muttered.
"I see you're still using that silver tongue of yours," she teased with a smile.

She ran her hands across his collarbones. Their eyes never broke contact as they held each other in the moonlight. Y/N's hands wrapped themselves around his neck, gently scratching at his neck.

"I mean it," he whispered, "You are wonderful."
"As are you, beloved," she replied, "I love you."
He caressed her cheek. "I love you too."

Gently as ever, Loki pulled her lips to his own. The pair shared the sweet kiss in the place where the romance had all started. Neither had ever felt so full.

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