] into the madness [

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Summary: During your last year of graduate school, you find yourself at the wrong place in the wrong time when a fuse explodes, exposing you to the gas version of the serum that made Steve Rogers Captain America. With your newfound abilities, you try to lay low, but fate has other ideas.

Pairings: Avengers x Reader, (Eventual) Loki x Reader

A/N: FAM I GOT MY MOJO BACK AND GOT INSPIRED. I forgot how much I loved Loki until I watched Ragnarok (twice, wow!!). Also I had a draft of a few chapters ideas from forever ago and decided to expand upon it, so now I have a few things up my sleeve. Again, let me know if you want to be tagged. Happy reading!

The future scared you, but you always used that as a driving force. What scared you made you ambitious, and right now, what scared you the most was graduating from the hardest gradate program at the most prestigious college in New York. All those late nights, studying instead of partying, and sacrificing "you time" would pay off in the end, at least you hoped.

Tonight wasn't unlike any other. You wore your white lab coat upon entering the office and laboratory, something made mandatory after an incident a few years back. Now, in this wing, you had to wear the lab coat no matter what. You didn't complain, though. It made you feel like a scientist with a purpose.

With your clipboard in hand, you grabbed a pen from your coat's pocket and took note of reports from the computer. Your hair was pristine, tied tightly into a bun to prevent it from falling onto the papers in front of you.

The reason for you staying so late was because of a DNA strain that you had been observing so closely. Cancer research was your expertise and you hoped that, one day, you could cure all types of cancers and rid it from the world. The strain wasn't something that could cure Leukemia, but it was something. It was a baby step and it was something your professors collectively agreed to let you study. Every student had to create a project detailed with research and conclusions in order to graduate and this was your ticket to the top.

The one thing you had to remind yourself every night was that the project didn't have to have a perfect outcome. That's what your professors told you from the bat - these projects weren't designed for you to come up with a perfect solution, but they were meant to demonstrate your readiness for the real world and problem solving. Part of you was worried because you'd fail, but an even bigger part of you was anxious to see if the DNA strain would indeed cure cancers and help millions of people.

You glanced at the clock and it read two in the morning. You sighed and yawned, turning in your lab coat and filing your papers away before clocking out. You secured the office space and laboratory before walking down to the elevator, but something had caught your eye.

In the distance, there was a neon green light. You raised your eyebrow and realised it might be a light that somebody forgot to turn off. Rolling your eyes, you walked in the opposite direction of the elevator to turn it off.

"Amateurs," you muttered before walking into the room.

But what you saw wasn't a light that forgot to be switched off. Instead, you were met with a beaker that seemed no longer fit to contain whatever was in it. Instead, the green, airy, substance lingered in the air and pulsed every second. The light grew bigger and stronger and you could feel the floor shaking with moment that passed.

Your eyes widened and you pulled the nearest fire alarm and ran out the door, but it was too late. The green light seemed to explode everywhere and it shook the entire building, enough to make it move and cause a little bit of damage to the exterior. It caused a fire in the area and it knocked you against the wall, leaving you unconscious. The last thing you remembered before your drifted was the green light disappearing and your body rendered unable to move.

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