] negative nancy [

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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader

Featuring: none

Word count: 1342 words

Warnings: a little bit of swearing, a small flght but fluff as well

Tags: none

Notes: none

You walked out of the bathroom looking at Steve. The moment he saw you walking out he stopped pacing and looked at you with a concern look as you sat down on the bed.

"So?" He asked taking a seat next to you.

"Now we wait", you sighed looking down at the floor.

For the first time since you and Steve started dating almost a year ago this was the first time your period was late which was unusual since you were on control birth. But you also knew you had got wasted a few weeks ago and you had ended up throwing up which may had caused some trouble. You had told Steve the day before and he had been shocked and unfocused since then. That's why you decided to take the pregnancy test. You wanted to wait a few more days in case your period finally came just late but you just couldn't work seeing Steve like that, always nervous and not paying attention to anything.

That morning when you woke up the first thing you did was going to buy one and you told Steve after lunch. He insisted on being with you the whole time during the process so there you two were. Waiting. What would happen if it was positive? Would he be happy? You were too scared to ask given his state so you just decided to wait for the result. But what about you? Honestly, you had no clue. A part of you thought it was too soon to start a family, you both were avengers and you knew it wasn't safe to have a new life with you at that moment. But there was another part of you really wanted that test to be positive. A son of yours and Steve's would be just perfect. You were about to find out.

Slowly you got up when you heard the alarm of your phone and walked into the bathroom. First, you look at the box.

"One means negative. Two means positive..." You whispered to yourself as you took the test in your shaky hands.

You were too scared to look down at it but you had to. Taking a deep breath, you looked down and stared at the test. One clear blue line. Negative. You weren't pregnant. And somehow you were disappointed even when you knew that was the best that could have happened.

"(Y/N)?" You heard Steve. Looking up you remembered he was waiting for you out there.

You had completely zoned out when you had seen the result but now you had to tell him the news. With a sigh you walked out of the bathroom and showed him the stick.

"Negative", you said before he could ask what that line meant. Just like you had done, he stared at the test like there was nothing else in the world.

Eventually, he looked up at you and you took the moment to try and see through his eyes how he felt. At the beginning it was all shocked and confusion but then you saw relieved when he smiled and let out a shaky breath.

"Thanks God, babe", he chuckled getting up to hug you but you took a step back. "What?" He asked confused again.

"Thanks God?" You said raising an eyebrow.

It was true that you knew it wasn't the best time to have a baby, and it was also true that you have been disappointed by the result. But the relief Steve felt hurt even more. You didn't expect him to feel eager about having a baby but you definitely didn't expect him either to be that relieved.

Of course he didn't understand your reaction. You both knew it was too soon to have a baby, it wasn't the moment. Plus, you had been just dating for a year and, even when it was old-fashioned during these new days, you weren't even married which was something important for him and you knew it. He was scared before you gave him that stick. He knew you two weren't ready to raise a baby, it was just crazy.

"...Yes?" He said a bit unsure. "You wanted a baby?"

"Yes! No... I... I don't know but I definitely didn't expect you to be so relieved about not having one", you said crossing your arms.

"Because it's crazy! Do you see our lives? They're a mess, (Y/N). We can't bring an innocent baby to this world with the lives we've got", he said.

"You definitely wouldn't be bringing any life" you snapped at him.

He frowned looking down at you not knowing or understanding where this came from. It made no sense at all. You wanted a baby?

"What the fuck has gotten into you (Y/L)?" He asked frowning. You shivered as he used your last name since he only used it when he was getting mad.

"What has gotten into me, Rogers, is that it really hurt me to see how much you want to start a family with me", you said taking the stick from his hand and walking to the door.

"Are you listening to yourself!?" He said louder now making you stop but you didn't look at him. "Fuck! We are Avengers! We are soldiers! Both of us! When we go out on a mission we never know if we are coming back. Do you really think that's the way to have a baby?" You heard him sighing and you actually could picture him in your head with his hands on his hips and looking down. "If you want to be mad at me just because I'm being logic, then be my guest. But you know I'm right and you know this makes no sense."

You heard him opening the door of the terrace of your room and walking out. You knew he was right. You had the same thought as he did but you still were hurt. It made you feel like he didn't want a family with you. But you knew you were being stupid. With a sigh you turned again and, swallowing your pride, you followed him out to the balcony. He was leaned against the stone looking down at the complex garden.

"You're right", you said after a few moments. He turned his head a bit but didn't look at you. "I was being stupid. When I saw the results, I don't know why I felt disappointment. I guess a part of me is ready to...have a baby", you chuckled and shook your head. "But I also know it's not the moment so when you said out loud what I didn't want to hear I guess I just..." You sighed and looked down. "I'm sorry, Steve"

When you looked up he was now turned to you looking at you seriously but as soon as your eyes connected he opened his arms so you ran to them, letting him hug you tight. He stroked your hair slowly, letting you hide your face in his chest with your eyes closed.

"It's ok." He whispered. "I do want a family with you babe, and I wish this was the right moment, believe me", he said chuckling a little. "But to have one, you have to think about that new life first and we both know it wouldn't be good right now." He kept on talking. You nodded, he was right. "One day we will have a family, a place for us, just us, a place where our children can grow up." You smiled at the thought and looked up at him as he looked down at you.

"Children?" You smiled.

"I want two", he shrugged rubbing your cheek softly.

"Three", you replied narrowing your eyes at him. He laughed and pecked your lips softly.

"Fine. But I will put a ring on your hand first", he said taking your left hand and kissing the finger where one day would be a ring.

"Sounds perfect", you whispered looking into his eyes and letting yourself get lost into the ocean they were.

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