] Home Sick [

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Prompt: The reader has amnesia and meets a nice man in the park...but can't shake the feeling like she's missing something from her past.

Warnings: language, amnesia, nightmares (maybe), this is going to be fluff/angst the entire time

Every day he did this. Every day he ran by you. Sweat glistening on his perfectly sculpted body, his hair looking like it should be on a hair magazine, his eyes sparkling in the sun. He would run by you every day while you read on a park bench. One thing that truly amazed you about him was his stamina and speed, he would do five laps in one minute, and other people it took three times as long. Some days you wondered if you were watching him more than reading the book in your hands.

Unbeknownst to you, Steve was watching you too. Only, you didn't know him as Steve, Captain Rogers, or Captain America. You knew him as a stranger in the park. There wasn't much you knew about anything, really. You woke up in America one day, a strange sense of homesick settling over you. You weren't sure of your name for a long time until fuzzy memories came to you, mainly in dreams, with a name repeated in your head, so you assumed it was your own. You had no idea if you were American or some other nationality. You knew arithmetic, writing (mainly english, but some other words would creep out some times), how to make food, basic necessities of living, but other than that, you were a ghost.

So far, you knew you liked reading, parks, simple dinners, older music, and carnivals. You'd been this way for about a year now, your identity finally starting to form. You weren't sure if it was your old identity or if you were just taking in your surroundings as they came and making an identity from that, but at least when people asked you your name and occupation, you could tell them.

For about two months, you'd come to this park, every Saturday morning and read, and every time, the handsome stranger was there.
One day, he stopped running and strode up to you. In his mind, he was as nervous as a fish at a cat convention, but he had admired you from afar for several days now and he didn't want to lose his chance.

After rubbing the back of his neck, he pointed to the book and said, "What are you uh-what're you reading there?" A smile came across his face and you couldn't help but be awestruck. He was handsome when he was running, but he was downright gorgeous when a grin came across his face.

"War and Peace," you informed politely. "First time, I think..."

His brows furrowed at your wording but brushed it off. "It's a good read. I'm Steve, by the way," he greeted, sticking his hand out.

"It's a good read. I'm Steve, by the way," he greeted, sticking his hand out.

"After that, you should read Dante's Inferno, if you haven't already. It's a bit of a dark read, but I think it's a pretty good book," Steve gestured.

"Thanks, I need all the suggestions I can get," you kindly said.

"If you want, I could take you to the library...then maybe out to dinner? You know, if you wanted to. No pressure or anything, I know we just met but...:"

Him being flustered surprised you. He had the body and face of a god, why in the world would he ever be shy or insecure?

You nodded. You had nothing to lose by going to dinner with a handsome man.
"Sure. I'd love that. Um, tonight around 7?"

"Sure. Um, do you mind writing down your address? I know it's old fashioned but I'm not exactly...used to cell phones yet."

You laughed and said, "Oh, don't worry, neither am I." After writing it down and handing it to him, he thanked you and continued his run as you wrapped up your chapter and left the park.


When Steve picked you up, something about the way he held the flowers seemed familiar, you tried for the life of you to remember what could possibly be familiar about a gesture like that, but nothing came. Shaking off the feeling, you accepted the flowers, put them in a vase, and joined Steve on the date to a local pizza joint - your call. He wanted to take you somewhere nice, but you didn't want all the fuss. He appreciated that very much and had a feeling the night would be a good time.

His gut feeling was right. You two laughed merrily together as conversation flowed easily, until it came to your past. Most people, you shied away from the answer, but something about Steve...he was so genuine, sincere, kind...that made you want to answer him.

"I don't remember. I woke up in America in a run down apartment. I went to the local hospital and they said I had amnesia. I guess they were right because I don't remember much of anything."

Steve breathed, "Wow. That's got to be rough. No family?"

"None in the States that they could find. I get flashes of memories but nothing concrete and it's all blurry."

Sadness filled his face and that pained you. "No, no. Don't be sad for me. I'm doing fine so far. It's been over a year and I'm doing alright."

"That's good then," Steve assessed.

"And you? Where are you from?"

"Brooklyn...but I think I should also tell you, I'm not exactly a normal guy."

"Oh, well who's normal?" you asked with a laugh. The question elicited a gentle smirk on his face but he shook his head slightly.

"No, Y/N, have you ever heard of Captain America?" Steve asked with trepidation.

You shook your head. "No, should I?"

"He's a guy...well...some people call him a super hero. He's a super soldier."


"Yeah...and he can run fast, super strength, deflect bullets, your regular super man..." he said, trailing off, as if a thought was deterring him from his speech.

"I see. Are you a fan or a relative of his?" you wondered, curious as to why he even brought it up.

"You're sitting across from him," he said simply.

"Oh." He bent his head slightly and leaned over the pizza a little to ask, "Is that okay?"

"Yeah...no...there's nothing wrong with that. That's amazing!" you declared with admiration.

"Yeah, I just wanted you to know, before this went further. I work missions, I'm with the Avengers, and my past is a little...spotty as well. I was frozen in ice for 70 years."

"My god," you breathed... "And I thought my life was confusing." Math ran rampant in your mind as you realized what era he was from. "Oh my god, you're from the 1940s."

Steve's smile perked up slightly as he said, "Yeah...Does that...Is that to weird for you?"

"Weird for me?" you questioned, your eyebrow perching up. "I don't even know who I am...You knowing who you are is not a problem."

"So...dating an old man doesn't bother you?"

"I think, somehow, I'll get past that," you assured flirtatiously.

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