] t h i n g s y o u s a y [

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Pairing: avengers x reader

Summary: you had a... Weird way to cuss. The avengers loved troubling you to get it out of you.

A/N: heya! Thought I'd right another drabble with a teen reader. Hope you like it!

Warning(s): swearing, anger

Word Count: 670

'that's why i use 'baby boy, sweet heart' like words to taunt during interrogations

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'that's why i use 'baby boy, sweet heart' like words to taunt during interrogations.' you sipped on your hot tea. 'like you, yeah, fuck you, you motherfuck pasta!'

"motherfuck pasta?" natasha choked on her coffee. 'what the hell?' she grinned.

You simply shrugged. 'i don't know it just slipped.' she chuckled at you and walked away.

'she's adorable.' tony smiled at you as you watched TV. 'okay time to get on her nerves.' he clapped his hands together. He was about to go to but clint grabbed him by the shoulder.

'so are we doing this like the most weird words or the most weirdest word?' clint asked.

'I'd say a mix of both.' wanda looked at everyone else for a look of approval.

'yeah, let's do most plus weirder the word more the points.' natasha suggested. All the avnegers nodded in agreement.

'i can't believe you want to make a game out of the poor kid.' steve furrowed his brows. Hr crossed his arma over his chest and gave everyone a stern look.

'calm your saggy tits, gramma.' sam looked at him.

'yeah, it's a thousand bucks who's gonna leave that?' bucky slapped Steve's shoulder and he sighed.

There were giggles and jokes. Then agreements before the bet was set.

It went on for days. Everyone pulling pranks on you, randomly picking you up, teasing you... It was plain hell.

Steve looked at you as you sat alone by the table. Hiding from everyone else making fire butterflies.

'hey, you okay, kid?' steve asked. You clenched your jaw and gave him an angry look. The butterflies poofed away.

'what, it's your turn now? Huh?' you stood up.

'no, i just, wanted to see if you're okay.' he smiled. You stomped closer to him.

'I'm. Not. Okay.' you kept getting closer and he kept getting farther. His hands were up in defense. 'I'm fucking pissed.' you gritted your teeth.

'i get it.' he said in a calming voice. 'calm down.' that was it. The last straw. Your hair went up in a flare and you looked like a human torch.

'NO!' you shouted. 'you listen to me, you fucking frozen American, fourth of july treat!' Everyone rushed to the room and watched in awe. No one dared to move. Captain America being sabotaged by a teenager was one hell of a sight.

'i work my ass off and i get these nincompoops on red bull pulling all this shit on me, and you don't do jack shit!' he was sweating. From both your heat and fear. 'you know what, I'd rather be fucked with an axe or live with fucking Hannibal lecter than you old titans!' you weren't calming down. Clint ran for a bucket then nat and bruce started helping him get ice cubes in it. While the others ran for water.

'you fucking dorito king with your red head alice and katniss everdean with chick chronicle over hear making my life hell. Fucking birdy and one armed, other frozen bitch covered my bedroom floor in shaving cream and you tell me to calm down!!' and then clint dumped the ice water on you before hiding behind natasha.

You panted as steam blew off you. 'oh god.... ' you rubbed your face. This was too much. 'I'm going in my room. Fuck you all.' you went away. Bruce came to you and gave you a hug.

'come on, sweetie. I'll get you ice cream.' he rubbed your arm. You nodded and went with him.

'he won...' sam said. Steve looked at him with the same wide eyes he'd had for a while.

'there-there you go, cap.' tony gave him a jar full of notes and coins.

'holy shit.' steve cursed. 'that was scary.'

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