] only time will tell [

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Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader

Featuring: none

Words: 1579

Warning: mention of sex, alcohol and angst.

Tags: none

Request: requested by anonymous:

"Tony meets the reader who's a version of him when he was younger, with all the drunkenness and partying, suffering from daddy issues and loneliness on the inside y'know, and he kind of try to save her and falls for her in the process, please? Thanx!"

Notes: As always, I'm really sorry that this took me so long! I'm trying to write as much as possible but uni really is exhausting and it's hard to find some time off. Thanks for the waiting and I hope you like it!

The first time Tony saw you, he knew there was something wrong with you. At the beginning, at the first party you attended, he couldn't figure out what it was, but eventually he did. You were just like him when he was a few years younger: you were in all the parties and you always ended up completely wasted and making out with a guy. Immediately, he tried to help you but it didn't really work.

"What makes you think I need your help?" You asked sarcastic, leaned against the bar of the party as you drank your first drink.

"Because...I know you have problems", Tony said.

"You don't know me, Tony", you laughed shaking your head. "So please, don't act like you do. I hate it", you added before he could say anything else.

With that you walked away from him but he just couldn't give up. From that point he tried to be closer and closer to you, he wanted you to trust him and he wanted to be the one who helped you through your problems, it didn't matter what they were. But you didn't make it easy for him. You were the kind of person who's really closed and private. Actually, you didn't have many friends.

Years and years ago you decided trust wasn't worth it. It always lead to disappointment and pain and you already had been gone through enough of that in your life.

"Why do you keep on trying?" You asked Tony.

Once again, you were at one of his parties, and once again he was there trying to be all protective with you, like there was any saving to do.

"Because I know how this will end up for you, I've been there and I don't want that for anyone", he explained.

"Are you trying to say you and me are alike?" You questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"We really are alike, believe me" he nodded as he ordered a drink for himself. "One day, you will see it and that day my door will be open for you", he added.

For the first time he was the one walking away from you. He didn't want to, he wanted to be as close to you as possible, but maybe you needed some time to figure everything out by yourself, just like he did a long time ago. As he walked away, you watched his back biting your lip. Actually, it felt good knowing there was someone who cared about you but you just couldn't let him get any closer, it was dangerous. Closeness ended up in feelings and that was the last thing you needed.

So you just kept on going with your life, going to a different party every weekend and ending up with a different guy every weekend as well. It wasn't the perfect lifestyle, you were aware of that, but you were at a point when you just didn't care anymore. Or you didn't care until the morning when you woke up in a bench in the street, not remembering a single thing from the night before and not knowing if you had been with someone.

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