] Home Sick 3 [

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Prompt: The reader has amnesia and meets a nice man in the park...but can't shake the feeling like she's missing something from her past.

Warnings: language, amnesia, nightmares (maybe), this is going to be fluff/angst the entire time


Faces were in your face, shouting, a burning, electric sensation through your body and you were jolted awake with a scream. The nightmares were getting more vivid now and you weren't sure why. Some faces were becoming more clear...and at one point you were being tortured, but why? What could you possibly know?

Running your hands through your sweat soaked hair, you texted Bucky. You weren't sure why. Guilt gripped you for waking your friend but you were almost afraid to go back to sleep. Guilt also gripped you because you wondered if you should be with Steve's friend in the middle of the night...

Brushing away the thought because you were too unnerved to care, you texted him, apologizing for the time, but wanted to see if he would want to go come by to keep you company.

He replied back almost instantly and said he'd love to.

You jumped in the shower so you wouldn't be a grimy mess when he showed up. Just as you finished getting dressed and toweling your hair dry, you got another text stating he was here, but he asked you to join him downstairs. Confusion struck you, but you said you'd be right down. You ran downstairs and out into the coolish night, wrapping a hoodie around you as you saw a car parked on the side of the street. The window rolled down and he leaned across the seat and cheerfully said, "Get in!"

Without hesitation, you got in the car.

"Hope you don't mind. I figured while we were up, we could drive around the city," he said nonchalantly as you closed the door.
"No, I don't mind. Especially not in this! This is a beautiful car!" you admired as you examined the leather seats of the SS Chevelle. You had no idea what kind of car it was, you were still getting used to simple logos. All you knew was this car made you happy.

"No, I don't mind. Especially not in this! This is a beautiful car!" you admired as you examined the leather seats of the SS Chevelle. You had no idea what kind of car it was, you were still getting used to simple logos. All you knew was this car made you happy.

"I'm glad you like it," Bucky said as his metal hand gripped the wheel and he eased out onto the quiet street. Being next to Bucky sent this wave of calm over you, all the time. Something about his aura made you just want to fall asleep next to him. Trusting him felt like blinking, a natural response to him.

"Hey, I was wondering, Tuesday...the Romanian ballet is in town...Would you want to go?"

At first, you thought he was asking you out on a date, but surely you had to know better. This was Steve's absolute best friend, he wouldn't be asking his best friend's girlfriend out on a date.

"It's the last night before Steve gets back and I just thought it might be fun to get to know you a little better and who knows? Maybe you'll like ballet. Has Steve taken you to one yet?"

"No," you answered sheepishly.

"Do you know if you like it?"

"No...I'm not sure if I do."

"Well if you don't wanna, that's fine too."

After a moment, you whispered, "I'll go. It'd be nice to see if I like it or not."

After a moment of quiet, the street and city lights filling in the car, he said, "So what was the nightmare?"

"How did you know I had a nightmare?"

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