] History [

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(A/N: I decided to try out my first one shot. I'm so used to writing long stories though, I'm not sure how this will turn out. Remember you can request anything you would like, just message me.)

Summary: (Y/N) loves her history, she finds it fascinating that almost everything throughout time had been recorded. However she also loves what people believed in such as gods, so when she meets one in real life she can't help but fangirl a little.

Characters: Thor Odinson x Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Reader (platonic)

Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name

(Y/L/N)= Your last name

Warnings: Just fluffyness


"Watching another documentary (Y/N)? What's it about this time?" Wanda's voice rang through the living room.

I paused the tv show, looking up at her from the sofa."Just about Greek Mythology. And I don't watch that many, do I?"

"Every time I walk in here you're watching something to do with history." she sat down next to me.

"I can't help it. It's just so interesting! How has humanity been able to record so much history down but yet there's still so many mysteries out there?"

She chuckled before looking towards the tv. I resumed the programme as we sat in silence. The narrator continued to explain the many Greek gods that were worshipped and what they symbolised. I was surprised that Wanda stayed for so long, maybe she was actually interested. As the show neared the end, a fellow Avenger entered the room. In my peripheral vision I spotted Thor walk in.

"Lady Maximoff, Lady (Y/L/N), may I join you?" his deep voice boomed throughout the room.

"Of course you can." I smiled as he settled into the single armchair.

Thor Odinson, the myth, the legend, the demi-god. He was a lovely man, despite his touch exterior he was so sweet and clueless about our world. He was always wanting to learn about Earth though it didn't always go so well. One time I was trying to show him how the toaster worked; he got too confident and slammed the lever down, breaking it. We didn't have toast for a week. For some reason Thor always came to me when wanting to learn more. Perhaps it was because I too was always studying Earth's past. But why not go to someone like Tony about technology? I was like Steve when it came to those things, it was as if I was from the 1940s too.

I had refrained myself from bombarding him with questions about Asgard. Norse mythology was another fascination of mine. And the fact that he was proof that it was real made me more excited to investigate further. But I didn't want him to think I was a weirdo, obsessing over him. We were good friends, I didn't want to scare him away.

The fact that he was drop dead gorgeous too was not at all intimidating.

"These people, why did they worship such gods?" Thor suddenly asked."There are just too many."

"It's just what people believed in. It helped them with their lives. If you think there's too many Greek ones, the Romans had a god for cupboards called Penates." I briefly explained.

"Really?" Wanda raised an eyebrow.

I nodded.

"How do you retain all of this information Lady (Y/L/N)? Your knowledge must be very expanded."

How was I blushing over that sentence?

"I-I don't know. It j-just stays there I guess." I stuttered like a hopeless fool.

Wanda tried to suppress her giggles. I glared at her as the credits rolled up. She smiled sweetly at me before leaving the room. I sighed, stopping the programme and almost deleting the recording when Thor cried out.

"No! Please Lady (Y/L/N), do not remove the entertainment of the gods, I would very much like to watch it myself from the beginning."

"Oh, sorry."

"Tis alright."

It made my heart swell that he wanted to so desperately watch the programme. He was too much for me. How was it that I could spend so much time with him yet always become flustered at random times? Thor stood from his seat and instead next to me.

"Lady (Y/L/N), if it would not be too much trouble, may I ask you to teach me how to work this magic box? Brother Steven tried to show me yesterday but he too was not all knowing."

My eyes furrowed together as he spoke.

He pointed to the tv."What do you midgardians call it? A....a television?"

"Yeah, that's right. Oh, um, I'm not too good with tehnology myself but I'll try to explain it."

We spent the next half hour exploring the tv and how it worked. Although it was tedious for me (seeing as I clearly knew how to use one) I watched Thor intensely as he struggled to control the remote with his huge hands. He was so handsome. How had he not gotten married yet? Did they have old fashioned weddings on Asgard where it was arranged? Did he have someone special already? I bet their celebrations are beautiful.

"Thor?" his name escaped my lips before I could stop myself.

His blue eyes looked into mine."Yes Lady (Y/L/N)?"

"Could you maybe...it doesn't matter, I don't want to bother you."

"Please tell me." He set down the remote as his full attention turned to me.

I started to ramble as my nerves grew."Um..I was just wondering if you could tell me about Asgard? You wouldn't have to go into much detail if you didn't want to. I've read books and watched shows about it, but I'm sure it would be better coming from someone who lives there. It just sounds like a wonderful place."

He sighed."And it is. But alas, I cannot tell you about it."

My face fell into a sad frown."Oh, sorry I asked. Here I'll show you how to record a show-"

His hand grabbed mine."I cannot tell you about my home now, it must be over dinner."


"Yes, that is the condition." His cheeky grin appeared.

I giggled, not believing that he was asking me out. It was so smooth as well. As my mind tried to process it, I could see Thor waiting for an answer.

"Then how could I say no?"

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