] Another Banner? [

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You sighed as the cab pulled up in front of the large tower, thanking them and paying before getting out. You were nervous, why wouldn't you be? He left after you were born. Your mother always told you it was because he simply never wanted a child and left. But what were you to do now? He was your last option, and if this didn't work out you'd be homeless. Another number to add to the list of homeless teens.

You took a deep breath, wiping the tears that had snuck up on you from your eyes before opening the doors and walking inside. You walked into the elevator, clicking the button labeled 'Lab' and leaned back against the wall as the doors closed. You could feel the anxious feeling grow more and more as each second pasted on. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. What if your mother was right? What if he really just didn't want you? After all, he didn't stick around. You balled your hands into fist, more tears threatening to fall.

Before you knew it, you had arrived on the floor, snapping you out of thought. You took another calming breath before stepping out of the elevator, walking to the glass room where Tony Stark and your father were. You bit your bottom lip, opening the door and slowly walking in. Tony was the first to notice you, stopping what he was doing and turning to you. "...How did you get in here? F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" He called out, seemingly to no one. Before you could answer him, a voice rang out.

"Yes, Mr.Stark?"

"How did they get in?"

"I let them. I had run a scan when they arrived, they are here to see their father." 'F.R.I.D.A.Y' had stated matter-of-factly. You tensed as it spoke, quickly looking down to the ground when Bruce turned his attention to you.

"Who's their father?" Tony asked, confused.

"Bruce Banner. They are (Y/N) Banner." It told the two men. You shut your eyes, fighting more tears.

"I'm....I'm sorry. I just...I didn't have anywhere else to go." You managed out, your voice cracking. Bruce hesitated, keeping his attention to you. "I'm...sure you had your reasons for leaving...or maybe you didn't want me but mom and I got into a fight and she kicked me out and-"

"(Y/N)." Bruce interrupted, walking over to you. "It's fine....I didn't....your mother never told me about you." He said softly, gently and hesitantly pulling you into a hug.

You didn't pull away, wiping your eyes. "She told me....you had left us." You said, suddenly confused.

"She left me. She never even told me she was pregnant." He told you, pulling away to look at you. "Why....what happened? Why did she kick you out?" He asked, looking at you with concern. You looked away again, biting your bottom lip again.

"We had a fight....and I don't know how but....I" you started to explain, looking down at your hands. "I had turned....changed something into something else. I was storming away and....she had thrown something and I changed it...." You finished, laughing humorlessly at the thought. You still didn't understand how it happened but it still felt so unreal.

"So..." Tony started, starting to stroll over to you both. "You changed one solid object....into something else entirely?" You didn't answer, looking down ashamed.

"I'm a freak." You said after a few moments, feeling tears threatening to spill again.

"You're not a freak." Bruce said gently, smiling softly down to you. "At least not in our eyes. Hell....you're in the Avengers tower. If you're a freak then so are the rest of us." He assured, tilting his head to try and look at you more. "...I don't know what your mother said....or why she hid you from me but you're welcome to stay here. I won't judge you for your....ability." You looked up at him, shocked at what he'd said.

"You'd.....I can stay? Here....with all of you?" He only nodded , smiling a bit wider. You took a few moments to register his answer, wiping the tears from your eyes once again. You smiled, quickly hugging him again.

"Besides. What kind of heroes would we be if we let a kid leave with no place to go." Tony stated, sitting down on one of his stools. "We could probably help you control whatever it is you can do, too. If you want." You smiled even wider, nodding to him.

"Thank you."

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