] Asgardian Heir [

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When you signed up for shield you expected difficult missions, but not this, this was not what you signed up for. After becoming a marine, doing five tours in Iraq, then being captured and tortured to the brink of death, escaping, joining shield as an assassin. But this really, this was just degrading of your talent. Being shipped to another country is one thing but being shipped to another planet is a whole other thing, just to babysit a grown ass alien let a long a "god" as they thought they are. This was one of the worst assignments to happen to you and you were tortured for a year. Oh and this planet you're going to has been stuck in the Middle Ages for centuries. If they think you're going to wear a dress and be called an fair or young madden they have another thing coming.

You looked around your apartment making sure you had everything you'd need and lucky Tony Stark made you some tech stuff that would work where you was going, so to stay in touch with people and to charge her device! You said good bye to your sister and left with a few shield agents. You didn't say a word while they sat there debriefing you in the black SUV. A few hours later you all made it to the meeting place where you would be taking bi-frost with Thor to AssGuard as you liked to call it. You were warned that taking the bi-frost might make you sick when you got there.

"Again I'm not happy with this assignment. " You stated, in annoyance. "Really did I do something wrong? Why can't someone else take this one?"

All you got was silence from the three agents. You knew the real reason why, but you also knew that Fury wanted eyes everywhere. Thor had requested you cause of your background and how well you had worked with him and the others. You were smart and quick on your feet. Whatever Loki could possibly try he knew you would be able to handle his brother.

All you got was silence from the three agents. You knew the real reason why, but you also knew that Fury wanted eyes everywhere. Thor had requested you cause of your background and how well you had worked with him and the others. You were smart and quick on your feet. Whatever Loki could possibly try he knew you would be able to handle his brother.

When you went to work with the Avengers this was not one of the things you had thought you were going to do. You really didn't know what you were going to do, you knew of Loki from Thor and some of the things he has done. You had never seen what he looked like, but had a feeling he was going to be just as good looking as Thor. You knew that he very much had a silver tongue and to not believe what he says, he will most likely try and trick you. You were no fool, he maybe a god but he is still a male.

You also had every right to put Loki in his place, he was not going be allowed to use his magic. You saw Thor standing at the meeting place as the black SUVs pulled up. You already felt sick to your stomach just looking at the bi-frost symbol under Thors feet.

"Well this was a very nice lack of Conversation boys, remind me to send you all gift basket." You said rolling your eyes getting out of the SUV and grabbed your stuff. Thor had already sent some of your thins to Asgard over the week so you wouldn't feel to out of place. You looked over to at the god and rolled your eyes again, he had his goofy grin on his face as always.

You put your sunglasses back on as you walked up to him.
"Thor" you smiled as you pulled your duffle bag over your shoulder and made sure you backpack was secure, you really didn't want anything to disappear into space.
"Good to see you again, y/n," He belted out.

"Are you ready?" You question, just staring at him.

"Ready as I'll ever be so let's get this done and over with."

"All right hold on tight." Thor said, almost like he was laughing. You hugged him the best you could as he secured an arm around you. In a flash you was being thrown through space at a high rate of speed, it felt like your heart and stomach was plummeting. You was definitely going to be sick. What was only minutes seemed like hours for you.

You made it to a golden room like an observation tower with a man standing in the middle with a huge ass sword. You tried to get you baring back, tilting to the siding as a dizzying sensation washed over you. You could hear Thor chuckled, you closed eyes, wanting nothing more then to slap him at the moment.

"It will get easier in time. Come on I'll show you to your room so you can get settled in." He took your arm and all but dragged you along. As you walked out in the rainbow bridge, trying to figure out how this was safe with railing.

"Umm, you expect me to put my life on the line by crossing that!?!?" You questioned.

"Ha it's safe! As long as you don't go wondering over to the edge, you'll be fine." He responded with a hearty laugh, you looked at him like he was crazy. Thor laughed as he took you over the bridge, you looked at the scenery trying not to look down. You couldn't help the though, that Asgard was beautiful.

"You're afraid of the bridge going to kill you and not my brother?" Thor broke the silence.

"Your brother, I can handle, I've met worse people then him. The bridge with nothing to hold on to is another story, like open stairs with yet again no railings." As they passed the gate from the bridge. Yep, this place will be where you're going die, you thought to yourself. You let out a sarcastic chuckle. "They did tell you when I'm not having to kill people or fight, I'm the most clumsiest person in the world. Right!"

"Y/n, you will have no issues here. The only issues you have is with my brother!" Thor started as they walked passed other Asgardian people.

You suddenly felt like you were being stared at, truth was, you were. All eyes on you with Thor by your side. They knew you were not of Asgard, not one of them. For starters, you were wearing jeans and a black tank top and street shoes not like what the people of Asgard. They were wearing all robes, dresses, leather and metal. You definitely felt like you were at a renaissance fair, you were sticking out like a thumb.

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