] confessions [

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Imagine Loki admitting his love for you after you almost die.

You had your back to the enemy when they struck, and you would have definitely been crushed by the blow if Loki hadn't pulled you aside in the nick of time. With you out of harm's way, he threw his dagger which hit the enemy square in their chest and you beheaded them with a swish of your sword.

You turned around to face Loki and suddenly his lips were on yours. His right hand grabbed your face passionately while the other was on the small of your back. The battle clashed around you as you melted in his embrace.

"You scared me", he breathed, "you weren't paying attention!"

"Loki" You said softly, trying to calm him down.

"No! Don't 'Loki' me!" He raised his voice. "What if I weren't able to pull you aside? What would have happened?" He asked, his eyes glistening. "I can't bare to think what would have happened........ I love you."

Thor and Sif fended off the enemies trying to attack you and Loki, and the battle was raging on, but all had vanished for you, you could see only him, and hear only his words that you had yearned to hear for so long.

"I love you, too, Loki." You whispered, and kissed him again.

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