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Summary: Loki doesn't exactly know how to approach you, so Thor tries to give him some words of encouragement.

Pairing: Loki x Reader

A/N: I've never written anything for Loki, so it's about time I change that. I'm in love with the idea of him being a huge softie and I wanted to write my first piece as such. Happy reading!

Loki watched as you entered the room and immediately stopped what he was doing to watch your next step. He was sat down on the couch with a book in his lap and from the top of the book, he saw your figure enter the compound from your bedroom, still wearing your pajamas from the night before.

"If you like her so much, ask her out," Thor said once he saw what Loki was looking at. He took a seat next to Loki and stretched his legs on the coffee table.

"It's not that simple," he replied.

"Why isn't it?"

Loki sighed. "She's an angel, Thor. She's the most angelic thing that has ever graced Earth and I'm the asshole who once decided to destroy her home."

"That was the past and Y/N knows it too," Thor argued.

"Yeah, well I haven't forgotten. I don't forgive myself, by the way." Thor pursed his lips and looked between the two of you. You had settled onto the kitchen stool with your back to the pair, reading the morning newspaper. Loki had refocused his attention to the novel he was reading and Thor contemplated on saying something to Y/N about Loki's infatuation.

"You know, she's not going to stay single forever," Thor began. "If you don't say something, she could fall for somebody else."

Loki raised his eyebrow. "Fall for somebody else? What on Earth are you talking about?" Thor shook his head and laughed at how blind the both of you, who harbored feelings for each other, were. He stood up and waved goodbye to Loki before greeting you good morning, disappearing into the hallway.

You turned around and saw Loki looking at you already.

"Oh, good morning," you greeted. "I didn't see you when I came in."

"I can be very quiet at times," he replied. "It is a nice morning, isn't it?"

You looked outside to see the sun shining through the transparent curtains Pepper had bought last week. "I suppose it is."

Loki stood up and so did you, confused as to his sudden quietness when you knew he liked to converse with anyone who was willing to talk to him.

"Loki, what's wrong?" You walked closer to him and he stood there, not saying a word.

"I-I don't exactly know how to say this without being too forthcoming," he said.

"What do you mean?" You continued to walk towards him until you were merely inches apart. Loki looked at your lips and fought the urge to kiss them.

"What I mean is," he started, but stopped. "Damn it. Why is this so hard?" He took a deep breath. "I like you, Y/N. As in more than a friend."

"So you have a crush on me?" you asked.

"Yes, if it pleases you to say so."

You pursed your lips and showed no emotion, which made Loki regret everything he had said. Before he could say anything, you pushed his body on the couch cushion and straddled his lap.

"Oh, Loki," you said, caressing the side of his face. "I really am glad you spoke up."

"Are you?" he said, offering you a small smirk. You nodded and leaned down, pressing your lips against his for a chaste kiss before standing up. "Where are you going?"

"You've gotta catch me, lover boy," you teased as you walked away from him. Loki stood up with a smile on his face and laughed, following you to God knows where.

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