] proposal x steve rogers [

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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader

Featuring: The Avenger Team

Word count: 2374 words

Warnings: fluuuuuuuff

Tags: none.

Notes: none

Steve Rogers was much more than just the Captain America for you. He was your everything: your best friend, boyfriend, lover, confident, family. You loved him more than you ever thought you could love someone. And for some strange reason you would never understand, he loved you back. You two had been a couple for five years now, and you had been living together for two of them.

At the beginning you wanted to get your own apartment but he was needed there in Avengers Tower in case there was an emergency. So after weeks of arguing it was Tony the one who gave you a solution. Since the tower was big enough, Tony prepared a whole floor for the both of you. It would be your apartment but he would still be in the tower in case the team needed him.

You actually loved the idea. Dating Steve had allowed you to meet the whole time and you were all now like a big family. Plus, that way Bucky would still have his Steve and Steve would have his Bucky. Everyone would be happy.

"How long have you two been dating?" Wanda asked you as you two made the lunch for the team.

"Five years already", you smiled at her.

"Wow, really?" She laughed and you nodded. It used to surprise people and you just didn't understand why. There were couple who spent even a decade together without getting married. "And...haven't you two talked about marriage?"

"Not much", you shrugged. "I know he wants to get married someday, so do I", you told her smiling a little. "But I don't know, I guess it's just not the time", you added.

"Yeah, I understand. But still it surprises me", she said. "I mean... He's Steve and you're (Y/N)", she said making you laugh.

"That was such an eye opening statement", you said sarcastic.

"Shut up", she laughed. "I never saw him looking at anyone the way he looks at you. And there's no way anyone can deny that you feel the exact same way about him", you blushed as she said that, not looking up. "I don't know. It's just like Jack and Rose from Titanic if Jack had lived. They would've been married the second they left the Titanic".

"Are you really comparing me and Steve with Jack and Rose?" You laughed chopping some tomatoes to make the salad.

"No, you're not the same..." She said before smiling at you. "I ship you two the most", she added making you laugh even more.

You two finished cooking and asked FRIDAY to tell everyone to come down to the kitchen to have lunch. The first one appearing was Bucky so you told him to set up the table.

"But I did it yesterday!" He complained as you gave him all the plates you would need.

"Stop whining around Barnes and set up the table", you ordered him.

He narrowed his eyes at you but turned around to put the plates on the table as he mumbled something under his breath.

"Hey babe", the moment you heard Steve's voice you turned around smiling. You noticed his hair was wet so probably he had just got out of the shower.

"Hey there", you said as he leaned down to peck your lips.

"What do we have today?" He asked wrapping both arms around you.

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