] missed kisses [

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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader

Warning: None

Summary: Peter and Y/N have been friends since they were children and as kids, used to kiss one another on the cheek all the time until one day, Peter stopped. Y/N doesn't realize it until one day looking through old photos with Aunt May.

Author: Dizzy

A/N: This is just a fluffy little fic I thought up. I hope you like it!

"Aw, look at this one!" May sighed happily, showing you the photo of you and Peter at the age of three, with your little matching outfits.

"May, I don't know why you want to get rid of this stuff, it brings back such good memories." You said, looking through more photos.

"We don't have enough room for it all and some of this stuff are just things I kept because I was too lazy to get rid of it."

You picked up a photo of you and Peter and smiled. You both looked about five in the photo, Peter was on the ground, holding his knee and crying as you pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"I can't believe you have a picture of this." You thought aloud, holding the photo tightly.

May looked over your shoulder and smiled.

"I had to." She explained, "You and Peter were just so cute when you were younger, kissing one another until you felt better. Like parents with their children."

You gazed at her with a smile before looking at the next photo, this time it was you, at age eight, your bike on the ground and you on the ground. You noticed the large scrapes on your leg and Peter, his arms around you as he pressed a kiss to your head.

You could remember that day clearly, how Peter and his uncle had tried to teach you how to ride a bike and the way you toppled over and skid across the pavement.

The next photo you passed was that of you and Peter, both around thirteen, grinning as he had his arm draped over your shoulders because Aunt May had told him to, and in both your hands were blue ribbons.

You remembered that day clearly, how you and Peter slaved over your science fair project to win hands down. You remembered how when you kissed Peter's cheek, just as you always did, he froze up and didn't give you one in return.

That was the last time you had ever kissed Peter.

You hadn't fully realized the lack of affection like that between you and Peter until now, at sixteen, looking through old photos with his aunt.

It was in the midst of your thinking that May announced that she would be going to the store as Peter walked into the room, taking a seat next to you on the couch as he picked up a few photos.

Your gaze fell from the photos in your hands to Peter's face as you studied every bit of it, your lip between your teeth as you wondered if it would be too weird to ask for a kiss.

"Peter?" You said his name softly, your courage thin.

He looked up at you, his chocolate brown eyes gazing into yours as you feared that he knew what you were going to ask him.

"What's up, bug?" His nickname for you rolled off his tongue, making you want to let your request go.

"Can I have a kiss?" The question fell from your mouth before you could second guess yourself.

"What? Why?"

"I don't know." You said with a shrug, feeling embarrassed for asking. "I just miss the times you used to do it. You don't have to do it if you don't want to."

"No, no. It's okay, bug. I'll do it if you want me to." Peter stammered, not sure if he wanted to do it, but he'd do anything for you, he knew that.

Peter pulled you close and pressed a kiss to your forehead before pulling away, hiding his face so you couldn't see the red on his face.

But, you didn't notice because you too, were hiding your face from sight as you tried to shake off the shock of what you felt in Peter's kiss.

Two weeks later, you sat on Peter's bed, a bag of peas on your eye as Peter walked into the room and took a seat beside you.

You had gotten in a fight to stand up for Peter, a fight you had won, but that didn't mean you were always going to walk out scratch free.

"You didn't have to do that, bug." Peter explained. "I can fight my own fights."

"Peter, you can't handle your powers very well yet and who knows what would've happened?" You explained with a wince. "You could've webbed someone or something. Plus, I just have a black eye, nothing time can't heal."

Peter smiled at you and brushed the hair from your face for you as you moved the bag on your eye.

"Still. Let me handle the fights."

You bit your lip, feeling greedy as you opened your mouth. "Can I get a kiss?"

Peter moved close and pressed a kiss to your cheek, just under the bag as his eyes fluttered closed. He was starting to feel silly for giving you kisses and never asking for one in return when he wanted them too.

A few months passed after your scuffle, your eye had healed and Peter figured out how to control his powers.

But, that didn't mean he didn't come to you to get patched up or just to kiss you.

It didn't occur to you that some of those kisses he'd give you in the dead of night after you patched him up were not requested by you until one night at three in the morning, you sat on your bed, Peter in between your legs as you patched up the cuts on his back.

Peter had never asked you for a kiss, not one on the cheek or on the lips, though he desperately wanted to. He was much shier than you were about being affectionate.

But, as you placed the last bandage on Peter's shoulder, you heard his soft voice.

"Can I have a kiss, bug?"

You smiled a smile unseen by Peter and pressed a kiss to his shoulder right above where you had bandaged it before he rose from his spot on the bed and got his suit back on, his back to you.

He turned around and faced you, his suit now on and held his mask in his hands as he walked toward you and bent over, pressing a kiss to your cheek before he climbed out the window and disappeared into the night.

It was then that you realized that you hadn't asked for that kiss.

A few weeks had passed and you forgot about the kisses you shared that night.

But, when Peter had come home, with bruises and cuts worse than you'd ever seen on him, after Civil War, the request for kisses seemed less silly than you would have originally thought.

Between bandages, the request would fall from Peter's mouth and at times. Without your asking, Peter would take your hand in his or your face and press a kiss upon it like a silent thank you.

It wasn't until the final bandages were applied that you sat beside Peter and gained some courage.

You placed a steady hand onto his face and leaned in close before you felt Peter's breath hitch and his lips brushed yours. Your eyes fluttered closed along with his as your lips connected in a passionate kiss.

His hands found their way to your hips and pulled you onto his lap as you pressed a final kiss to his cheek. His smile after you looked into his eyes had melted you more than you ever thought it could as you whispered softly to him.

"Can I have a kiss?"

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