] shots [

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Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader

Featuring: Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers

Word count: 1021 words

Warnings: alcohol and one slight mention of sex.

Tags: none

Notes: none

This was his fault. Well, it was also yours for being so easy to tease. Tony had thrown a party for no reason, just because he felt like it, and he had been teasing you and flirting with you the whole damn night. Usually you would be just tired of his teasing and you would just want to go to bed but the amount of alcohol in your system just made you tease and flirt back. The outcome? He dared you to play "Never Have I Ever" with shots.

"Never Have I Ever?" You asked from the couch where you were seated. The party was over by now, at least for the people who didn't live at the tower. For the Avengers it just kept on going. "What are you? 16?" You smirked looking at Tony who was standing in front of you, on the other side of the table.

The light in his eyes and the smirk he had printed on his face, let you know that he was as drunk as you were, which probably was a bit dangerous at this point. The whole team was just looking at you two, knowing the feelings you two shared but never said.

"Maybe this is the night" Clint laughed taking a seat next to you.

"What?" You asked looking at him.

"Oh, nothing" he replied quickly as he winked at Natasha.

The whole team had been seeing you two flirt since the moment you joined the team three months ago. Nobody had to ask any of you what was going on. It was obvious for everyone. Except for you two, of course.

"Are you scared that I find out all your dirty little secrets?" He teased you before finishing off the drink he had in his hand.

"I'm sure you have more to hide than I do, Stark", you said back with a smirk.

"Want to find out?" He said looking down at you.

The tension was palpable in the room. It could be cut off with a knife but the team was kind of used to it by now since it had been like that since the very beginning. But that night was even worse, probably due to the alcohol you had had.

"Bring it on, Iron Man", you smirked at him.

"This is so going to be fun", Natasha said as she took two shot glasses and took them to the table.

"Scotch?" Tony asked coming from the bar with a bottle in his hand.

"Sure", you said getting up to sit on the floor since it would be easier to reach the table.

He took a seat next to you, also on the floor, close enough for your arms to touch. You tried to ignore the shivers down your spine as he filled up the glasses and passed you one with a wink.

"Go", you said looking at him.

"Never have I ever..." he started and looked at you narrowing his eyes. "Get laid drunk", he said.

You two threw the alcohol down your throats not looking away from each other and he smirked when you put the glass down. "So you get...caring when you drink huh" he said filling up the glasses again.

"Never have I ever have an erotic dream with someone in this room", you snapped smirking at him.

Definitely he didn't expect that one since he looked at you a bit surprised but you could see his ears turning red, which made you smile widely. Without looking away from him, you drank the shot as he did the same, taking a deep breath afterwards. You gulped and looked away from him when you felt that his gaze was too intense.

"Never have I ever..." he said filling up the glasses for the third time, "have feelings towards someone in this room."You gulped once again before drinking the shot.

You saw him hesitate but ended up doing the same, looking at you the whole time as he did so. After that third shot you knew you wasn't going to remember much about this but still, you didn't want to stop. When you looked around, you saw everyone at the bar looking at you two from time to time, to check on how you were doing in case someone had too much alcohol.

"Who?" He asked when you looked back at him. With a smirk you moved a bit closer to him, something you wouldn't do if you weren't this drunk.

"I guess you'll have to keep on filling that glass if you want to know" you whispered in his ear.

"It's your turn", he smirked down at you. You realised that the glasses were already filled again.

"Never have I ever kissed someone of the team", you said.You didn't move since you hadn't do such thing.

You knew you liked Tony and the rest of the team were more like family than friends to you. The only person you could think of differently was the man seated down next to you, who drank the shot at once.

"What? Who? When?" You asked.

He turned to you and closed the gap between you two, kissing you out of the blue and placing a hand on your waist. It took you by surprise but you placed a hand on his neck anyway, keeping him close to you as you kissed him back, tasting the alcohol in his mouth along with his own mint taste. It was a short kiss but unforgettable somehow.

"You. Right now", he said smiling at you, just inches away from your kiss.

You smiled and pulled him closer once again, kissing him with your eyes closed but you were forced to pull away. It wasn't a good idea to close your eyes at that moment.

"I'm gonna throw up", you said suddenly getting up and running to the closest bathroom, leaving Tony there on the floor looking confused but satisfied.

"I never thought you were such a bad a kisser, Stark", Steve teased him from the other side of the room as soon as you closed the door of the bathroom.

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