] Adrenaline [

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Summary: Bucky and Reader go on a date, but it's not quite like Bucky imagined.

Word Count: 2,702

Warnings: Explicit Language, Smut, Unprotected Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex (FR)

A/N: This is the alternative ending of my series. I thought I'd turn it into a oneshot because why not. All you need to know is that Bucky and Reader were taken by HYDRA together and Reader used to be with Steve.


Bucky and you were going back to the compound on foot.

Bucky's shirt was torn in half, your shoe was broken and you were both hungry. Bucky had insisted on taking you out but things got out of control. The restaurant was awful, the waiter dropped the jug of water, ruining your barely touched dishes.

Bucky was furious and you had to leave the restaurant, the sleeve of his shirt got caught in the door and tore with a ripping sound. When he hailed a cab, the driver refused to let him in because he was the Winter Soldier. Fuming, you took one of your shoe and threw it at the car as it drove away, breaking your shoe in the process.

"Do you think one day people will stop being afraid of me?" He asked as you walked along the road.

"Look." You took a deep breath and held his hand. "They're afraid because they only know what they read in the papers. I know you. You're still the Bucky I knew, but you've grown. You've seen pain and sadness and it still made you a better person. You have empathy, you understand people, you want to help them. One day they will see you as I do, just give them time."

"You're so good to me. And what do I do? I take you on the worst date ever." He groaned.

"Stop complaining, we're together." You took his left arm and put it around your shoulders.

"Sorry, doll." He sighed and pressed you closer to his side as you both continued to walk. "I just- I had planned this night perfectly and it turned out to be a huge mess."

You tried to pull away to look at him, but as you moved your hair got caught in a plate of his metallic arm. You gasped and held your hair while Bucky swore out loud and used his other hand to free you from his arm.

"See? That's exactly what I meant." He walked with his hands in his pockets.

"That's nothing. C'mon." You laughed and linked your arm through his metal arm. "Okay, I need to ask. Why did we go on a date anyway? I like our movie nights."

"I just wanted to make things official." He shrugged. "We've seen each other for a few weeks and I wanted to go out with you, y' know, like normal couples."

You stopped and gripped his arm tight enough to make him turn around. You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, his beard scratched the sensitive skin around your mouth.

"If you stop complaining until we reach the compound, we'll make things official. Twice, if you feel like it." You smirked and winked at him. He pretended to zip his lips, lock them and toss the imaginary key, which made you laugh.

As you hoped, Bucky didn't say another. Occasionally he would lick his lips in a suggestive way, or drag his bottom lip between his teeth, trying to get you all riled up. You tried to act like it didn't affect you and simply snorted, but when you spotted the compound you found yourself almost jogging.

However once you were alone in his room, he seemed reluctant to go further. He rubbed the back of his neck and stood in the middle of the dark room. You closed the door and leaned against it. He turned around to face you and you could feel the different vibe.

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