] Sunshines & Moonlights [

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Chapter One: The Usual Morning

Bucky was not a morning person.

Which was unfortunate as the rest of the avengers seemed to love waking up at the crack ass of dawn to do crazy inhumane shit like exercising and meetings and socializing. Steve was the worst, being his best friend he was more than obligated to annoy Bucky with his persistent efforts of turning the former assassin into a friendly all-smiling superhero but that doesn't mean Bucky had no right not to be annoyed by it.

It wasn't that he was lazy – okay maybe a little bit but hear him out. It's been almost a year since he completed his rehabilitation exercises in Wakanda and three months since the end of his therapy session with Tony's doctors. Which meant that he had been having limited nightmares that woke him up at the middle of the night in sweat. Shame him all you want but after almost 70 years of pure hell, he would like to enjoy a normal sleeping schedule, thank you very much.

However, being a reserved avenger, meant some days there's just no helping it. There is a world to save, Hydra agents to punch, and boring reports and meetings to deal with.

A meeting he is currently stuck in as Steve prepped him and Natasha for a simple Intel gathering in France as they were the active agents that will actually be on the field for this one. A suspicious organization, rumored to be a Hydra base, was suspected to have been recruiting members and expanding their territory.

"... it's a quick in and out." Steve looked him straight in his eyes with a knowing glint in it. "I don't want any –"



Bucky groaned.

He hated espionage. He may be an assassin before but he was a soldier first. And trust him when he says it is better to get a direct hit on a target than just staring at them through a sniper hole hoping they would disintegrate right before his very eyes.

But this was a very fragile mission and a mistake could cause some problems with their relationship with France so Bucky just rolled his eyes while Natasha snickered, obviously loving every second of it.

"Good morning, Cap'n!"

All three of their head turned to look at the cheery voice that sliced through the tense mood in the room. With the way Steve's eyes crinkled when he smiled and Natasha's stiff posture loosened he knew the teams favorite person just arrived.

"Hey doll," Steve greeted her with a hug. Sparkles nearly exploding from his eyes as he took one of the cups from her, probably filled with pitch black coffee with only one cube of sugar, his favorite.

Of course, no one (absolutely no one) would get away with disturbing Steve's meetings and get such a positive and welcoming response from the man himself other than the sweet (Y/N) (Y/L/N).

You see, (Y/N) was an interesting woman.

When Bucky first arrived at the compound he could feel everyone's doubts and jitters in their body language but when she entered the room, tripping, she quickly took hold of that arm and steadied herself so casually, grinning up at him with such a familiar and bright smile he couldn't help but smile back despite the small shake his cheeks did from the unfamiliarity of the act.

It was probably one of the very few friendly and genuine act he received from a stranger in a very long time and he milked every second of it.

It didn't take Bucky a week before he understood why she got the whole team on her goddamn palm to the point where only she could make Tony go to sleep with only a pout and a glare and even make Clint go down willingly from his nest to help her with her little projects even when she doesn't ask.

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