] you abandoned me. 7 [

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Summary: Bucky and (Y/N) are being held hostage though they don't know who by. The responsibility of keeping (Y/N) safe is heavy on Bucky's shoulders; he can't believe the situation he has got his best friends girlfriend into. He knows that he needs to get them both out of there but how they will do that seems like an impossible task.

Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name

Characters: Steve Rogers x Reader, Avengers x Reader (platonic)

Warnings: Violence, torture, anger, sad

( asked me to tag them in this, so here you go. If anyone else would like to be tagged just ask)


Neither of us knew how much longer it had been since we spoke to each other. Bucky was now leaning his back against the wall, still supporting me on his lap with his arms. We had stopped speaking, well, Bucky had stopped though I was sure he was trying to come up with a plan. There was literally only one way out of here and that was through the door; and our there was probably a number of guards and other locked doors to go through. Even if by some miracle we escaped out wherever we were, we still had no idea where this place was in the world.

I had desperately tried to not fall asleep, knowing that I might not wake up for a while. There was no way I could leave Bucky either, that just wasn't fair on him. My mind instantly went to the others. They had to be looking for us by now. I didn't doubt my second family but I was worried about how long it would take them to find us. Who knows where we could be? And how long would it take them to get here?

Loud, sudden footsteps startled us both as they neared our cell. Bucky immediately removed me from his lap and into the corner of the room as he took a protective stance in front of me. Could this be them? Or was it someone we didn't want to face? I huddled up in fear as the noises got louder and closer. Men were ordering each other around but their voices were muffled to us. All of their voices and movements suddenly stopped, it has gone silent. I held my breath, scared to even make a noise.

The door was kicked open making me scream in fright. Men piled into the room clad out in black, army-like uniform with huge guns. As soon as they stepped one foot into the room Bucky started to attack. I watched in horror as he tried to tackle them all at once. I was useless, useless, useless. His attacks got slower and weaker, more men were grabbing him. Before I could come up with a way to help him, I too was grabbed. I screamed out in pain as well as fear as they hauled me off the floor. Bucky called after me when they started walking out of the room without him.


"(Y/N)!" he yelled back.

I couldn't see him anymore. My eyesight was only able to see the ceiling where the harsh, white lights blinded me. From being suspended up in the air, I was dropped onto a bed, strspped down onto it. The restraints were tight against my body and I couldn't move, let alone breath properly. They carted me down the hallways fast, not caring about my pleas for help. Everything looked the same from my point of view, I couldn't tell where we were going.

The corridors suddenly changed into a huge room, from what I could see there was high tech equipment everywhere along with people in lab costa. Of course I didn't understand any of it or know what it was. I only knew that it looked terrifying.

"The test subject is here sir." one of the men announced.

"Test subject!?" I exclaimed, writhing around on the bed.

"Why do we have her? Where is the Winter Soldier?" a lab coat asked.

They had to be HYDRA. They were the ones who made Bucky, they would want him back.

"I've made some changes to the plans. Don't worry, our initial idea will go forward as we planned." another man spoke. He had a deeper voice but I could not see him, he sounded like he was in charge.

"What do you want us to do to her, sir?"

"You're not going to do anything to me!" it was as if I wasn't even there.

Another scientist protested."Who even is she? Why was she with the Winter Soldier?"

"She's Steve Rogers, aka Captain America's partner. By some luck she was in the right place at the right time."

"Luck, sir?"

"Don't you see? We all know that the Avengers were going to come after either one of them but this just raises the stakes. The Winter Soldier can defend himself, he is obviously stronger. She cannot. We can use her to our advantage."

"No! Please don't hurt me! I don't want to die!"

This time they acknowledged me."We won't kill you. Actually, you're going to help us in a little experiment we're conducting." he leaned over me, his face close to mine.

He had a dark, scruffy heard that matched his hair. The wrinkles around his face showed his age but maybe it was from dress too. Although he looked normal and not like a stereotypical villain, there was something in his wide eyes that warned me he was a psychopath.

"I know who you work for. You don't just experiment on people, you ruin their lives!" I must have been lightheaded because I wasn't thinking before I spoke.

"Well then, it seems that we won't have to get acquainted."

My heart started to beat faster even though that felt impossible. Sweat was forming on my forehead and around my body. Everyone was bustling around me, the clanking of equipment putting me in edge.

The man came into view again."Right, are you ready?"


"So we're hoping that you will be just as strong as your boyfriend and his old pal; that is if your body doesn't reject the serum and end up killing you. Though that would still be beneficial on our behalf, a little bit of trial and error."

My voice dropped to a whisper."You're going to use the serum on me?"

His eyes and smile got bigger as he frantically nodded."Think of all the power you'll have. You can match up to the captain's strengths. I'm sure that it will beneficial to your reletionships in some ways."

"You're sick." I spat.

An assistant came up behind him holding out scrubs for him to wear. His eyes never left me as he was robed up. I started crying knowing that this was going to be the end of me. These mad people were going to kill me. There was no way my body would be able to put up with the serum, even if I lasted for five minutes I would die after that.

I hadn't even had a chance to say goodbye.

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