] beautiful form 2 [

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Requested: yep and rightfully so.

A/N: you guys know how much we love our gorilla king why do i need to repeat this. Also posting in mobile is a pain in the ass.


It always was a wonder to you how Wakanda managed to have such a variety of land inside its nation. The riverways where Nakia is from, the borderlands where W'kabi herds his battle rhinos, the mining tribe where the people attain vibranium and, the capital of Wakanda where the nation's castle was hidden beneath a shield of incredible technology that makes it seem like their city was only a thick and impenetrable forest.

Of course, you still loved the snowy mountains of the Jabari tribe.

"Y/N. A pleasure to be in your presence again tonight." T'challa greeted you as you and your husband, M'baku entered the great hall. Guests from all over Wakanda gathered for a banquet in celebration of its people. A loud and joyous festival took place outside the castle where the people danced and celebrated while dignitaries and nobilities gathered to watch the festivities.

You bowed and smiled at T'challa, feeling your husband tense up beside you. "My king." you said. "We're glad to be visiting you and your family again."

T'challa smiled at you before turning to M'baku. "The Great Ape, M'baku. We welcome you." he said, crossing his arms together as greeting. M'baku did the same and nodded his head.

"Everyone seems to be here. Well done managing to get Okoye to dress up again." M'baku joked, pointing to an obviously irritated Okoye standing beside an entertained W'kabi on the side.

T'challa chuckled. "Yes, well, it was an order from the throne so she couldn't possibly refuse."

"My king, that's not very nice. Using your powers to make people do things they don't want." you said, although you were chuckling at the humor of it. Poor Okoye, you thought. Maybe you'll help her out of the dress later and into a more comfortable attire.

T'challa shrugged, looking down at his feet before speaking to you. "Still, people seem to be enjoying the night. I hope you two do as well. Let me know if you need anything, Y/N. M'baku."

And with a nod, T'challa left.

Suddenly, M'baku turned to face you, his height towering over you and keeping you still with the slight glare in his eyes.

"You were flirting with the King." he said.


"With me next to you."

"M'baku, please. I wouldn't do that." you told him, shocked that he would even think of such a thing.

He narrowed his eyes, chest high as he stood his ground. "You are mine, Y/N. Remember that."

You huffed, rolling your eyes a bit at his words. "Like I don't know that?" you mumbled, not knowing he would hear you.

M'baku raised an eyebrow at you and pulled on your arm, dragging you to follow him across the great hall and towards the doors. When T'challa spotted the two of you, he had a questioning look on his face but before he could say anything else, M'baku interrupted him.

"We'll be going to our chambers now." he said, the two of you walking down the corridor now.

T'challa stopped and shook his head, smiling to himself before going back inside where his guests were.

You however were still being pulled towards the hallways by your husband, the skirts of your long dress flowing behind you as you were almost running to catch up with M'baku.

"M'baku. Please. Can you pause for a second?" you asked.

"No." he said, pushing open the double doors and pulling you roughly inside your designated suite. You had no time to admire the place because M'baku immediately shut the doors and pushed you against them, his eyes looking over at you with such intensity.

"You are mine." he growled, pressing his lips firmly against yours, tasting you hungrily. He pulled away for a second letting up for air but before you can say anything else again, he lifted you up with ease, his hands on your ass, bringing you closer to his body.At this point he has completely won you over. You had no qualms with this pleasant surprise from him.

Hell, maybe deep down you were asking for it.

So you wrapped your arms around his neck, your grip moving to his collar and tugging on his formal shirt and coat, silently begging him to take it off. You felt him smirk against the kiss before moving you away from the door and towards the massive bed in the middle of your room. He tossed you onto the bed , making you yelp a bit but you looked up at him, chuckling, biting your lip when he climbed on top, taking off his clothes. He was huge.


In all sense of the word. And you loved looking every inch of him. Especially when he smirks down at you.

His rough hands moved towards to touch your legs, up your thighs, moving the billowy fabric of your dress away until he reached the band of your underwear pulling it off but not before he gives your ass a good squeeze. Then he pulled them down and off your body, his fingers inching in closer to your core. You almost whimpered, begging him to do it already but when he didn't, you didn't even stop yourself from being loud.

His tongue licked you up and suckled on your heat, making you cry out in pleasure as his mouth expertly ate you out. His rough calloused fingers joined in rhythm, pushing you towards ecstasy as your helpless moans filled the room. M'baku smirked to himself, getting rough with you as he enjoyed your sounds.

He felt your legs give out a bit, signalling how close you are to your orgasm. That's when he stopped. Moving up to face you again, licking his lips as he stared down at you.

"Anything you want to say, Y/N?" He teased you, rubbing his hands up and down your legs.

You couldn't help but glare at him. "Just fuck me already."

Hearing those words come out of your pretty mouth made him groan a bit. M'baku grabbed hold of your wrists and pinned them above your head, keeping you in place underneath him. Before you say anything else, you felt him enter your slick folds, pushing inside you until you took all of him in. You gasped, feeling full as your walls adjusted to his massive size. He hissed, muttering something about how tight you were around his cock. But you didn't care. Your husband started moving, thrusting in and out of you, that your mind stopped working for a bit. Only focused on the pleasure M'baku was giving you. He started to get rough. That's when you got louder and louder each thrust. Hitting so deep inside you that you soon climaxed uncontrollably. He kept going though. Pushing in over and over, his moans turning to growls as you watched him lose himself in you.

"Y/N..." M'baku's voice strained as he gave one last deep delicious thrust before coming undone and releasing inside you.

You felt him let go of his hold on your wrists, his body gently falling towards you as his head rested on your chest. He can feel your heartbeat slowdown and you noticed how his breathing returns back to normal. Your fingers softly traced patterns on the bare skin on his back while his arms held onto you tight.

"You're mine." He grumbled, his eyes closed as if in bliss.

You smiled. "All yours."

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