] shackled [

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Pairing - Loki x Avenger!Reader

Setting - Story takes place just after the events of the "Avengers" and the Battle of New York.

Summary - Loki and Reader are at a party when one of Tony's devices backfires and shackles them together.

Warnings - Super light swearing.

Word Count - 1,962

Part - 1/5

Author's Note: I haven't ever done an xReader and I've never posted my writing for people to see, so this is new for me. I'm also still unfamiliar with how parts of Tumblr work, so I hope the tags are done right. Please let me know what you think.


Y/N - Your Name

Y/L/N - Your Last Name

H/C - Hair Color

E/C - Eye Color

F/C - Favorite Color

Loki had only been in the tower for two months, but to him, it felt like an eternity. He'd much rather be locked in an Asgardian prison cell than spend his punishment in the company of mortals, but his father had insisted on banishment, so here the prince was.

One of the Avengers, Tony Stark, had been running frantically around the Tower in the two weeks preceding Captain Rogers' birthday, hanging every manner of red, white, and blue decoration that he could get his hands on. Although it had been hectic, and Loki had nearly gotten decapitated by a massive blue star, Stark had done a good job.

Loki stepped out of the elevator and into the common room, where everyone who's anyone in New York City had assembled. Thor had a hold on his arm, and the God of Thunder lead Loki into the middle of the crowd before releasing him with a warning to behave.

Thor liked parties. Loki, on the other hand, would much rather be in his room with a good book right about now. His brother had insisted that he attend the party, however, saying that it would be good for him to learn Midgardian traditions and mingle with the mortals. So here Loki stood, completely alone, in the middle of a massive room filled with people.

The event had been in full swing for an hour before Loki had arrived. Stark insisted he wear Midgardian clothing, saying that if he wanted to dress like a weirdo, he could wait until Halloween. When he told Stark that he didn't own any Midgardian clothes, Tony had gone out and bought him a black single-breasted suit and Thor had had to help his brother put it on, which is why they were late. Although he felt uncomfortable in a mortal wardrobe, the Asgardian was hesitant to admit that he looked good in it, smirking whenever he caught the lustful gazes of the female mortals (and some of the males) as he moved about the party.

It didn't take him long to spot Y/N amongst the throngs of people. Her H/C hair was pulled into an elegant updo and she wore a regal F/C dress with a lace back. He tried hard not to stare, looking away quickly when she glanced in his direction. He was grateful that she didn't come over and try to talk to him, but as hard as he tried, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

It was dark in the common room - the colored lights hanging from the ceiling were insufficient to light the room - and there were bubbles floating around in the air, as well as a thin fog coming from machines up in the corners by the ceiling. The Midgardians were 'dancing' to what was, in Loki's humble opinion, an appalling excuse for banquet music, their bodies pressed together, grinding against one another, drinks in hand. If they weren't dancing, they were huddled in groups, talking and laughing, sharing stories, boasting about their achievements. Of course, a party isn't a party without at least one fight, and, by the time the clock struck ten, an hour after Loki had arrived, the prince had counted seven fights, four of which Thor was directly involved in, a shit eating grin on his face.

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