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summary: you meet him at church, he might just be satan | au

pairing: biker!bucky x reader

word count: 1660

warnings: smoking, mentions of religion, swearing, slight smut

a/n: flashback in italics, tags at the bottom.

You sit with your knees curled up towards your chest, head resting lightly on your knees as you close your eyes and take deep breaths. You can't believe you're in the current state you're in, you know you're obsessed with him and that your body craves every inch of him but you didn't think it was this bad. You don't know how you can make it without him especially with the way that you left him.

The moment plays through your head as you try to stave off your feelings for him.

"Let's take this somewhere else." You had no idea what Bucky had in mind, you hoped it was him fucking you roughly as he moaned in your ear about how much he needs you, wants you.

You looked at him eyes wide but a smirk on your lips as you thought about him touching you and making you officially his. You wanted his mark on every part of your body. "Where?" You ask smiling widely at the look on Bucky's face, it was a look of pure lust mixed with excitement.

"Wait and see, babygirl," Bucky said in reply before pulling back from you and pressing a small kiss to your kiss swollen lips and softly moaning. He took your hand in his, leading you to his motorcycle and you held on tightly pressing kisses to his neck and whimpering when you saw your mark on his neck.

Bucky groaned deeply as you did so, breathing out in a whisper "you're gonna be the death of me." You said nothing in reply and let the world blur around you and focussed on Bucky as he sped throughout the streets of the small town you called home. You pressed your body as close to Bucky's as you could, you could feel his body and you wanted nothing more to feel it as you stared at the man you were fixated with, in all of his beauty and glory. Bucky may not have thought he was the thing of dreams but to you he was.

You didn't know how long you and Bucky had been zooming through your town but you didn't care, all you cared about was the feeling of having him so close to you as well as the arousal pooling between your legs. You couldn't deny how worked up you had become from earlier on in the alley but you knew Bucky was even more affected than you, you had felt him pressed up against you begging for your soft lips to be wrapped around him.

You also didn't know where you were, it was dark out and all you could see was passing scenery but nothing vaguely familiar. You felt the motorcycle come to a halt and when it did you knew exactly where you were. It was the same field Bucky had whisked you off to weeks ago, the gesture was sweet and for a moment you felt love but it was replaced with another feeling when Bucky pulled you off the motorcycle and into his arms. You laughed but it fell silent on your lips when Bucky's hands slid down to your ass grabbing as much as he could and rolled his hips gently into yours making a moan louder than expected rise from your throat.

"That fucking sound babygirl, makes me wanna fuck you on my lap, watch you ride me, watch you moan my name so fucking loud it's the only thing I'll hear for days after." Bucky took a long deep breath. "Fuck, you got me in so deep. You know that, babygirl?"

"Do it," you said and Bucky smirked at you before his lips attached to your neck, he was ravenous as his lips moved across your skin, moving further down with each kiss that he planted on your supple flesh. Your breath hitched in your throat when Bucky's hand came up to your chest and his thumb toyed with the hardened peaks of your nipples, you couldn't help yourself as moans spewed and tumbled down your lips.

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