] defending him [

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Your P.O.V.

Living in Asgard was like a dream come true for most people. It was this peaceful, heavenly place where everyone lived for thousands of years, spent their time happily with friends and family. But it wasn't as bright for everyone. Nearly each Asgardian had something bad to say about the Prince who rebelled, Loki.

I knew Loki. We were friends, at least. He was usually in the palace, locked away in his room. I lent him my books and we chatted from time to time. He just never seemed to break that barrier between us. It was sad. He found it hard to trust anyone so he isolated himself here.

As I made my way to the palace, happy that I got access there, I heard Loki's name being said. My curiosity got the best of me and I stopped walking, hiding behind a wall. The people were talking in one of the bedrooms. The door was wide open so I didn't expect to hear what I heard.

''Don't you think it's weird Loki is allowed here? I mean, I'm no king but he should definitely be behind bars'' A man told his friends his opinion. It made me angry, of course. ''He's just a giant shame here. Everyone else is so happy and social and he's just-'' Some woman started ranting but I wouldn't listen to it. I walked into room and dropped my book.

''He's what?'' I growled, determined to make them regret their words. I didn't know who they were. There were two men and one woman in this room, all Asgardians. By now my blood was starting to boil. ''Who are you?'' The woman raised her thin eyebrow at me. ''It's Y/N'' The man answered for me. It made her face soften into a grin.

''Oh Loki's friend?'' She chuckled like it was funny. ''Yes I am. Loki is a great man, by the way. You should get to know him before you open your nasty mouths. Have you ever considered why he doesn't want to go out and socialize? It's because of scumbags like you!'' I lashed out my anger at these people. They seemed surprised.

''Are you seriously calling us scumbags just to defend one?'' One of the men laughed at me. I had to clench my hands into fists and try not to attack them. It hurt too, because they kept going. I thought they'd be embarrassed since I caught them talking like some children. ''Loki is not a scumbag'' I growled dangerously, feeling how I got furious as time passed. My powers tried to talk me to the dark side but I managed to control myself.

''Yes he is and so is anyone defending him. You should be ashamed of yourself'' The woman lectured me like she was my mother. ''Shut up! How dare you talk about Loki in such a bad manner in his own damn home?'' I raised my voice at them. I felt how my fingertips tingled because I really wanted to attack these idiots.

Before I could do anything, another person joined us. I saw how the three turned ghostly pale. I turned around and saw Loki in his dark green clothes. He had probably heard yelling and he came to check out what was happening. First he looked at the people who had been talking crap about him. Then his piercing green eyes looked at me. He seemed surprised and almost sad. But through that I sensed his anger.

''Get out'' He stated calmly. Of course I was confused. Nobody moved which truly pissed him off. ''Get out!'' Loki repeated himself loudly and I swear the room nearly shook. The three walked off in a hurry and I tried to think whether he wanted me to go as well.

Just as I took a step, he put his arm in front of me. ''Not you'' He sighed more calmly. I nodded quietly, happy that the three left. ''You defended me'' Loki stated the obvious as he stepped in front of me, looking into my eyes. ''Of course Loki. That's what friends are for'' I smiled at him, hoping it would make him feel at east a little bit better.

He chuckled and then looked down. ''Don't you agree with them?'' He questioned me. It stung my heart. Why would he think so? ''Not at all. I meant every word I said. You're amazing'' I reassured him. As I spoke, I got a little nervous. I had a crush on him and I tried not to make it obvious. Now as I spoke, I felt my cheeks heating up.

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